Howdy y'all from Houston


... actually I don't talk like that, being from the Bronx, but I've been in Texas for the past 28 years.  I started baking bread about 35 years ago, at which time my bible was the Tassajara bread book.  I'll go long periods where I don't bake: it gets pretty hot down here!  But the past few months I've had a lot of time on my hands, and been fairly active.  I found this site by accident, and think it's absolutely fabulous.  I was looking for bagel recipes, and found a thread that allowed me to produce a product much like what I grew up with.  I've been trying a few breads from Reinhart's Whole Grain book with pretty good success.  However, I tried to build a starter from scratch following his recipe, and have given up after a few failures.  I look forward to learning a lot more from the good folks on this forum.


Welcome.  It does get hot here.  I actually live in Spring.  But I did get a starter going here.  I had to use the pineapple juice deal though.  I still actually have it alive.  Shocking.  Enjoy the site.  There are lots of great people hanging around here with LOTS of excellent info.



Thanks for the welcome!  Up until a couple of months ago, I was working in Spring.  I tried the recipe in Peter Reinhart's new whole grain book for a starter, using pineapple juice as well.  The second try, it was going great until Phase 4, when it just went dormant.  It's hard to believe it didn't have enough nutrition, so I suspected the pH.  In any case, there's loads of great info on starters on this site, so I'll be giving it another go real soon.

whole wheat or rye?  I have had the best luck with rye.  I keep my starter feed on rye now.