Hello from Alabama


Hello, I'm new here. I have always loved baking bread, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at it, so I'm going to learn. I'm home recovering from some shoulder surgery so although I am a little limited in hand mixing capability, I can let my mixer do the heavy stuff. I love any fresh bread, hubby loves english muffins and bagels, so I have a lot to learn. You all bake such beautiful bread! My best effort has been the french bread recipe in the little Kitchen Aid cookbook that comes with the mixer. I can't wait to try some new recipes. I'm an old pioneer, I guess, growing vegetables, making my own lye soap and now trying to bake our bread.


Welcome, you're sure to find a lot of information here.


This is a great place to start. Speedy recovery! Looking forward to your bakes!


I broke my shoulder two years ago and for awhile, I actually bought bread (shocking!), but after a bit I started mixing it in my KitchenAid, and while it was still painful, the homemade was much appreciated by the family.  Good luck with your shoulder!

Profile picture for user SylviaH

Bama, Hello and Welcome to TFL!

Sylvia in San Diego, CA