San Diego loafers?


Any interest in a San Diego get-together? There was one last year before I joined, and I haven't heard of another planned. Susan and Sylvia?

I will be visiting San Diego in the summer. Any places I 'must see' and taste, related to baking? Where can I buy some tools like Oval Coiled Wicker Baskets?

Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Jw.

Stop by Bread & Cie in Hillcrest, try Elizabethan Desserts in Encinitas, and have some bahn mi Vietnamese sandwiches at any number of places. Check out the farmers markets for artisan breads, also Belen Bakery in Escondido. I believe there's another well liked bakery in Pacific Beach, but I don't have any experience with it and don't know the name.

Tip Tip Meats in Carlsbad has an assortment of rye breads, mostly large loaves cut up and wrapped in plastic, in addition to its huge inventory of European foodstuff products. Interestingly the vegetable market next door has some big fat pretzels which were delicious, from someone in Chula Vista I think.

Unfortunately we don't have the bread culture of San Francisco or New York, which is why I am hoping that some of us amateurs could share notes and bread.

But enjoy your stay here,


JW:  The San Francisco Baking Institute sells the wicker baskets as well as a lot of tools.  You'll see their prices are low, and some of the proceeds go to a scholarship fund for high school students.


I believe go to their students at the baking school, not high school students. Still a nice way to purcahse what you need and help someone along the way.


I'd try the smoked crab sandwich at Point Loma Seafood Company..., with a bottle of Anchor Steam Beer...,



What bread do they use there? I used to love to have their calimari sandwiches, but haven't been back for a long time. Very nice picturesque setting, by the way.

Point Loma Seafoods
2805 Emerson St.
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 223-1109

When I said it's picturesque, I meant it's on the water, with lots of sailboats and sport fishing boats tied up nearby. Lots of seagulls to fight over the crumbs, too. At the northern bend of San Diego Bay, on Shelter Island (island only in name).

hi leucadian, I never went to any of the gether togethers..little to far away for me.
