micro spiral mixer


Hello, this is my first post to TFL.  I love the site.  I was wondering if anyone has anything to say about the micro spiral mixer from TMB baking?  I'm really tempted to get one.  Anybody have one or know someone who has?

Hi and welcome to TFL!

I have the SP5 mixer from TMB Baking. It does a great job with dough and I really love it but there are a few things to know:

It's a one-trick pony: it mixes dough. It will not mix cakes and cookies, beat egg whites, or take any attachments. If you have another stand mixer, don't plan on getting rid of it.

It is a pain to clean. Neither the bowl nor the hook is removable.

It is very heavy (about 80 lb if I remember correctly). You pretty much need a dedicated place on your counter for it.

Because the bowl is large, it is not good with small amounts of dough. I like to have at least 2kg, 1.5 at the minimum. Below that, I use the KitchenAid.

Some people say it is not good for wet doughs like ciabatta. I disagree.

The color selection is not super-gorgeous. I have the blue and I've learned to accept it.

I hope this is helpful.



Thanks, that does help.  I never really considered the ease of cleaning a mixer with a non-removable bowl.  I suppose that would make things difficult.  Do you mind if ask how much you paid for it?  I emailed TMB to get a price, but never heard anything back.  I guess I could just call them, but I haven't been able to find the time.

I honestly don't remember exactly how much it was. I think it's around $1K but I paid less with student discount. And I paid no shipping because I'm local. You should definitely call them, they are very nice, although it seems that more people would buy from them if they had an online ordering system.
