Twitter for bakers


If anyone on The Fresh Loaf is on Twitter, I just started a group for bakers:

I know The Fresh Loaf tweets so maybe others do too? I like Twitter as it's short and sweet only.,, no long posts. It could be a great way of expanding the reach of The Fresh Loaf!



Hi Dave,

If you click on the link above it should take you to Twitter Groups. There's a list of things you can do: join, add links, read tweets from others in the group, see other groups and what people are talking about.

Here's another link to the TwitGroup site:

It tells you what it's about. To be honest, not entirely sure how it works myself but I wanted to see if I could generate some interest in a baking/bread group and see one person has joined the group already.


Thanks, Janet.  Have you found Phyl's Artisan Bread Bakers group on facebook?


I used to be on Facebook but I write for a living and found I was spending too much time updating. I like Twitter with its brilliant concept of short posts only, which encourages you to be concise.

It's great there are so many choices for social interaction.
