Peter Reinhart is Accepting New Testers

Profile picture for user gaaarp

The day I've been waiting for is finally here!  I've read a number of posts where people refer to testing recipes for Peter Reinhart's books, so I sought out his website a few months ago.  He kept saying he was going to open up his blog to new testers, and the day has come. 

For the next week only, if you would like to test recipes for PR and report back to him on your successes/challenges/failures, go to and follow the instructions.

Happy baking!


Thanks phyl , you will really enjoy it... wish you and all the new testers good luck.

You will be from now on toooo busy.

I will die from yeast!!! hahaha

Nice short note back and the 1st recipe. Where to put all this bread ??!! Yikes ! DS1 is a chef here and says he will buy it for the restaurant,,,may need to do that as all my "friends " are lo carb....yuck !   This will be hard work I can tell. c

He has closed the sign up as of today due to an overwhelming response for new testers. Hopefully, I'll be in time..


PS..Just received an e-mail back from Peter..I'm on board! is a great sign though isn't it that there is so MUCH great that there are so many bread bakers.....c


and looking forward to it. I must have been among the last

Sent the request mid afternoon, got the reply early evening and then on his blog he says the list is closed. Whew!! 

This will be interesting, a sort of "must bake" situation as opposed to "maybe I'll make something". And lots of different things too, not just the same/favourite bread multiple times. It'll make for some plentiful bread pile!

And I've already got people lined up to take the extras... How thoughtful of them. :) Maybe I could charge $5 a head to be on the list, help pay for the flour and electricity I'm going to be using. (Har! That wasn't entirely serious...)

First batch is on the go already!

I sent in an email as soon as you posted this and got in too. Will be starting the first recipe today.