Newbie here. I ran across this site last week and may I say what a treasure trove of knowlegable people and information I have found it to be.
Due to recently developing two slipped discs in my back, my least painful position of late seems to be standing. So, in looking for something to fill my days (and nights!), I have been trying to expand my baking experience in pizza making to bread.
Pictured below is a couple of pumpernickel rounds that I made for my Russian wife in an attempt to bake her a black bread.
Sorry to get off my topic. My problem is shaping highly hydrated doughs such as ciabatta. I think BBA by Reinhart is a well illustrated book, but I'm missing something in his shaping pics and info. So far, my ciabatta doughs are limited to pain rustique shapes even with the help of an improvised couche.
This is Reinhart's Pain a l' Ancienne that I attermpted several days ago. Case and point.
I was hoping that someone could point me in the direction of some web based tutorials that address final shaping techniques.
If you click on that tab up there, you'll see a bunch of videos by myself and JMonkey too. There's bound to be something in there you'll find useful.
Thank for the help. Now that I am getting more familiar with the layout of this forum, I see that tab was was right in front of me. (Must be the pain meds).
You guys make it look easy!