Sweet Potato Levain

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker
Sweet Potato Levain

Today's bake: Sweet Potato Levain

Source: Sourdough Recipes for Rustic Fermented Breads, Sweets, Savories, and More - Sarah Owens

Notes: Scaled to 2 loaves @ 1kg ea. from 2 loaves at .646kg.
Substitutions: None

Discussion: This is the 12th bread I have baked from author Sara Owens and this bread is quite luscious. It's a simple sourdough with sweet potato add-in. It consists mostly of bread flour with a small amount of freshly ground white whole wheat and rye. The crumb has a nice soft, rich texture which is a touch sour and at the same time sweet from the molasses and sweet potato. The crust is nicely blistered and crisp with a molasses tang to it. 

Make again? - Yes, definitely.

Changes/Recommendations:  None

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My, those are handsome loaves! I've been learning how sugar somehow works so well with rye, and so I'm not surprised that molasses does too.  Unsulphured, I imagine!


Profile picture for user squattercity

holy luscious loaves, batman!

every Sarah Owens recipe I've tried has been imaginative & tasty ... and, super-importantly,  easily adaptable for a loose & impatient home baker like me.

Thanks for the inspiration!
