They will be out of the oven directly. I did not get the same ears have been achieving. That being said, they are huge. I am crossing my fingers not under proofed huge.
If you scroll up, you will see a photo of the torn up Biga on top of the flours in the mixer. Essentially, I added the biga as shown and then mixed in the baseinage water and salt. The mixer does the rest.
The whole wheat flour paired with a small amount of dark rye come together to achieve a nutty flavor with slightly sweet notes. Country bread will definitely be included in my first book. The exact mix of flours and the name itself are still under investigation.
Pain de campagne, Il pane Pugliese, Countryside bread, Pane Rustico are a few contenders. Smile...
It was necessary to retard the English muffin levian to be continued tomorrow.
This large batch of countryside multi grain is nearing the end of bulk fermentation.
For a dough that is north of 80% hydration, I feel it is hold shape well.
T minus 120 Minutes until bake off.
Don't they look pretty 😍?
What dough weight have you got there?
They will be out of the oven directly. I did not get the same ears have been achieving. That being said, they are huge. I am crossing my fingers not under proofed huge.
The end game.
As is coustomery for me the crumb shot will wait until fully cooled. Possibly tomorrow even.
Each one comes in between 30 & 31 oz. Final weight.
Very long day, culminating in a epic result.
Bravo, lovely crumb!
How do you go about mixing the biga into the final dough to avoid lumps?
If you scroll up, you will see a photo of the torn up Biga on top of the flours in the mixer. Essentially, I added the biga as shown and then mixed in the baseinage water and salt. The mixer does the rest.
Will F.
Now that looks just about ideal! Does the taste live up to the looks?
The whole wheat flour paired with a small amount of dark rye come together to achieve a nutty flavor with slightly sweet notes. Country bread will definitely be included in my first book. The exact mix of flours and the name itself are still under investigation.
Pain de campagne, Il pane Pugliese, Countryside bread, Pane Rustico are a few contenders. Smile...