Sourdough Kaiser Rolls: Photo

Profile picture for user SylviaH

Im still learning a lot about sourdough baking and enjoy the recipe's from Northwest Sourdough...this is my first sourdough Kaiser rolls..they really sprang in the oven!

Nice shape.  I've never tried the Kaiser roll shape - yours looks great.  I can see the cinnamon rolls in the backround - you've been busy! 


Thank  you Marni, It's not hard to shape them at all using the knot shapeing...I thought mine where proofed enough...they doubled and then really sprang in the lost some of their knotted look....the cinn. roll recipe makes a big batch!!  We eat a very early dinner so I'm in the kitchen usually doing dinner and baking at the same time!


Sourdough, eh? .... Hmmmm... I've never made a sourdough, enriched bread. But a sourdough challah is on my agenda. Kaiser rolls get added to the list, seeing yours.


Thank you David....Your cinnamon rolls started this bake!!!  Along with Howards Northwest post....I enjoy that site...I think you'll be hooked.... more added flavor!!  Im just learning to get the milder sweeter sourdough flavor Mike and I enjoy! 



...Hi Sylvia, those look awesome but I'm curious since you mention Sourdough;

How much of a Sourdough starter? Quicky or full boat.
For example, I make some very much like that and only pre-ferment for 20 hours.
  All the best,

 Hi Mark, Glad you like these and thank you... Im still very much in the experimenting and learning phase of useing sourdoughs.  I followed the recipe given at the Northwest Sourdough site...the recipe was purchased along with many others at a very reasonable price.  A vigorous starter is used making a sponge starting very early in the morning....I actually started mine that nite and before going to bed refrigerated it and took it out to warm up before making my final dough.  There are also several posted recipes that are very good...none I have tried have ever failed me!


...As you are no doubt discovering the term Sourdough is used for many different things, or processes.

Some bakeries should actually be arrested for what they call Sourdough. ;-)

I know of one in the Chuckey TN area that sells a ton of Sourdough loafs.
Odd thing is, they are just as bland as Wonder bread.

In my own experiments 20 hours can give a very good flavor.

Thanks for your feedback, I very much appreciate it.
  All the best,