Spiral dough hook for KitchenAid mixers

Profile picture for user GaryBishop

The C-hook that came with my KA mixer is terrible. Mr Mixer pointed me to this one on Amazon. It works perfectly in my mixer. They have them for lots of models.



I’ve recommended him frequently on here when folks are looking for an amazing KA with rebuilt real metal parts and warranty. I gave my old one , perfectly fixed by MM to my daughter and bought a rebuilt one from MM. perfect in every way. I don’t use the spiral anymore because I do my “ time + bassinage” instead of a machine. But the C hook works great. It came with my “ new” one . Happy New Year GB!

Gary, is your KA a tilt-head or bowl-lift?

Sorry, I didn't see this until just now. My mixer is a bowl lift Model KP50PSWW

That's ok then. It's just that KA advises not to use a spiral hook with a tilt-head. Too much downward pressure apparently.

But, Gary, you said your mixer was a bowl-lift, so a spiral hook is ok.

Precaud, I'm guessing a spiral hook is ok in a tilt-head as long as the quantity of dough is smallish and it's not too heavy.

AI answer:

Increased Torque Demand:

  • Torque is the rotational force required to move the dough. Spiral dough hooks are designed for commercial mixers that have more powerful motors and are built to handle the increased torque demands of mixing large or heavy batches of dough.
  • Tilt-head mixers, however, have motors and gear systems that are generally built to handle lighter, more moderate tasks such as small batches of dough or lighter mixing jobs. The spiral hook, because of its design and the way it works the dough (especially dense dough), demands more torque than the tilt-head motor is typically equipped to handle.

The C-hook creates less pressure on both the motor and gears, making it better suited for the relatively light-duty tasks that a tilt-head mixer is designed for. The spiral dough hook, while more efficient at kneading dense doughs, places significantly more pressure on the motor and gear system, potentially overloading these components in a tilt-head mixer if used too frequently with heavy doughs. This can lead to overheating, gear wear, and eventual failure of the mixer’s internal parts.


Gary's KP50PSWW has a 350 watt motor and 5 qt. bowl.

My Artisan has a 325 Watt motor and a 5 qt. bowl.

I wish Bosch would have included  a paddle attachment for the Compact mixer. The Compact does pretty well with kneading wheat doughs with the C-hook but does not come with a paddle. High% rye doughs just smear around with the C-hook. 

Agreed on the Compact. For 100% ryes often just use a hand mixer with dual spiral attachments. Some bread machines do pretty well with ryes. Panasonic makes a forked paddle for mixing ryes.