Adam Leonti's book entitled "Flour Lab"



I recently purchased a copy of "Flour Lab" by Adam Leonti.  The recipe entitled "Sourdough Durum Loaf" on page 94 caught my eye.  The author states that he had better results with this recipe when he used a sourdough starter at 90% hydration compared to a sourdough starter at 100% hydration.  He then refers the reader to a discussion on page 91 to learn how to prepare a sourdough starter at 90% hydration.  For those with a copy of "Flour Lab", would you please review the first paragraph of section entitled "Changing the Hydration" at the bottom of the left-hand column on page 91?  Does this discussion/calculation make sense?  I came up with a different set of numbers.  I would like to have confidence in the preparation of the sourdough starter at 90% hydration before attempting the recipe.

Very kindest regards....


If you started with a 100% hydration levain, following those instructions will get you a 55% hydration levain for the first feeding and approaching 45% hydration as you continue feeding. For a 90% hydration levain, just follow the same instructions as the 100% hydration levain but use 45g water instead of 50g.