As I've been posting about, we've been working on upgrading this site to a new version of the platform it runs on for some time now. If you are seeing this, you've made it to the new site. Welcome!
There will be some turbulence as we get settled into the new system, learn about its quirks, and add some finishing touches. Your patience during this time is appreciated.
If you run into problems, feel free to comment below, send me a private message, or email me at floydm [at]
Very cute new logo! :)
Thanks a lot for all the hard work!
Thank you! Happy to see you here!
Your dedication and hard work are much appreciated.
Thank you
Looks like things went smoothly enough and it's up and running sooner than anticipated :)
Good job you two!
Thank you. So far, so good.🤞
Even got the email notification of your reply in real time :)
Thank you, Floyd!🙏🙏🙏
I 💕the cute logo!
Thank you. :)
I'm working on putting together some site navigation notes to replace some of the old FAQs.
For now I'll link the ones I've completed here.
Awesome Floyd and Dorota. Nice to see the new site up and running already. Thanks for everything you do.
Congratulations on a smooth transition. Looks great!
Thank you.
So far so good, Floyd. I wrote a little for the bio section of my account. One difference I see that I hadn't expected is that the new text input boxes do not double space automatically when <ENTER> is pressed. I had gotten used to it but this is probably better, especially for pasted-in text.
Thanks for all the hard work!
Interesting. Yes, I'm sure there are differences that we'll discover as we go along. Hopefully they'll be mostly for the better.
It'll take time to get used to. Normal for when you're used to seeing a website a certain way for so long.
So far so good. Seems to run smoothly.
Thank you Floyd and Dorota.
Looks great! I also like the new logo; it nicely sums up the tone of this site: happy and friendly.
I see you've made a few changes to the Comments box. I like the look of it and the Table function looks new (or was I not paying attention?). What is the Alternative Text popup box for in the Image Upload? Are the images that were uploaded to the site previously no longer accessible?
Thanks for the hard work!
Alternative text is a relatively new best practices measure. It's meant to be a description of what's in the picture for any site visitors who are visually impaired or who need screen readers to view the pages.
Images previously uploaded to the site should all still be there in your posts - but how you add images to a post now is done differently because it's a whole new system under the hood.
Great work and thanks. The new site is easy to navigate.
Thank you.
I usually don’t post. But use the forum to find answers all the time.
But now all I see is tons of advertisement. On the Top, on the bottom, covering text so it took me few tries to get here.
I'm seeing quite a few too. It's interesting because I actually turned the throttle down on the ads some -- just did a bit more -- and removed a few units that were particularly jarring.
I have a couple of hunches about what could be going on: one is that the markup from the new version of the CMS is considerably more up-to-date and semantically correct in how it describes the page and thus the ad placement scripts better understanding it and so may be more aggressive about placements. Either that or nearly the opposite: Google ads and probably some of the others optimize placements based on past experience, and since this version of the site is brand new it has no meaningful/helpful experience and so is just barfing out whatever it can come up with.
As I've said, the new version of the site is a work in progress and still being tuned. Your patience is appreciated.
There are ways of getting rid of ads at your end. I've never seen an ad on TFL. It depends on the browser you use, how it is set, and if you use an ad blocker programme.
It will take some time to get used to. I just posted my first new blog post and it was a pleasure not to have to resize the main image.
Great job!
Thanks, though I think I see one issue in your blog post: the formula image didn't finish uploading, I believe.
There is a new feature here that I haven't been able to figure out how to change (yet). When you upload a large image into the editor, it shows up to you immediately because you've got the original file on your computer. But if you look carefully, while it is uploading to the site there is a blue progress meter at the top of the image. If you save the post before the progress meter is full -- the image fully uploaded -- it never completes, so the image doesn't actually make it into your post. :(
I'm looking for a fix for this issue; it is really misleading and waaay too subtle an indicator that you need hold on for a few seconds before saving.
Your bread looks fabulous though!
I will have to keep that in mind. Thanks
I agree with you Ian. Not needing to resize every photo makes posting so much easier. Now, if we could batch upload even 4 photos at a time, that would be incredible.
The new upload interphase sure did allow me to easily load mu tiple photos. I will do a test now.
This is a test of the batch upload capabilities.
That’s great to see Will. I didn’t even try to batch upload photos in my posts. Thanks for posting this.
You are very welcome.
The old site let one unreport a comment and I think that's important. I know I have accidentally reported a post and needed to reverse my report. If it's feasible, please add a "Unflag" link.
I think the link should appear after you've flagged something as spam, but it says "Not spam" now rather than "Unflag." I thought that would be more intuitive but maybe not?
"Unflag" is more directly connected with the link label, which also starts with "Flag". Having an unflag link appear only if a post has been flagged is a good idea, I think, though it sounds like more work at your end. Also, is "Spam" the word we want? Most of the recent flags have been for suspected AI. Maybe something like "Flag as spam, AI, etc."?
I think I'd like to see the "reply" link to the left of the "flag" link. Most people will look to the left side of a line to start scanning and right now, the "flag" link is the first one that will be seen. The "reply" one will be what will usually be clicked on, though.
I have another question about the new site. I searched for a few keywords I know have been in previous posts but I don't get any results. Will the new site be able to search the previous posts?
Can you give me a few examples? I've just searched for a few random terms like "baking powder"Ah I figured it out.The search index is still being built. At the moment only 5% of the site content is in the search index.
Thanks for noticing and reporting that. I'll see if I can speed that up.
No hurry! I just happened to search for something and didn't get any hits and thought it was weird. I understand the transition will take some time.
Thank you Floyd and Dorota!
Nice color and contrast on the crust of the fresh loaf! I hope it has a great crumb.
All my messages i've ever had, even the deleted ones, have reappeared.
On the old site i only had two PM's. Once PM's had been concluded I deleted them.
Yet they are all back. Going back years.
Not that it is a problem but thought you should know as you want to iron out any teething problems.
That is interesting. That means the old system didn't truly delete them.
I will look into how things got marked deleted and how they get deleted in the new system and see if I can port the deletions over.
I can see that the private message module has some of the plumbing in place for deleting threads but the feature itself hasn't actually been implemented. I'll see if I can find a fix for this or figure out how to remove the previously "deleted" messages soon.
When one deleted a PM there was a prompt, something to the tune of, "this deletion can be undone by clicking here". If you didn't do so and went onto another page it got deleted "permanently". So it must have been holding messages 'somewhere'.
Hope this helps you find the solution Floyd.
I'm thinking I'd actually like to just purge all private message for everyone and start fresh. I'll look into that and post a bit more about it soon.
Thanks again guys.
Interesting to see the things folks are finding about the new site, I guess we didn't really test as much until we went live!
Very clean, and seems to be working well. As Abe said, all the PMs are back which just proves nothing is ever really deleted from the web. Yikes.
Thanks Floyd & Dorota.
Thank you, looks great!
Nice, clean look, Floyd! :)
One request: When you click on a forum and see the list of posts, the rightmost column shows details of the 'Last Reply'. How about making that a clickable link to that last reply? Right now the only entry to a thread is from the top.
I'm curious, was there something in the 'web infrastructure' that prompted this change? I know of two other sites which were just forced into upgrades by their hosts. The hosting of my own little website got the boot because of it :( So I'm looking for a new home for it.
I'm also curious to see if/how friendly the new format is with older OS's. My computer in the lab downstairs is WinXP Pro. Will give it a try manana.
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll look into it.
Regarding the prompt for upgrading: at least for me the issue was that support for the version of the content management system that this site runs on has been discontinued. Today, actually, is its official end-of-life date. I've been putting off the upgrade for years, literally as long as I could without jeopardizing the safety and security of the site. But time has run out.
The new version of the software is nice, and there are a lot of new tools and technologies available to us now that we've caught up technologically. We'll be trying to get the system running smoother and keep fixing usability quirks so it is easy to post and follow the discussions you want to follow here. I am acutely aware that the community and discussions are what make this site worth visiting rather the technology. Ideally the technology is simple and intuitive enough -- and the design clean enough -- that it just fades into the background. We're working on it.
Previously, clicking on the title of a comment would take us directly to that specific comment. Now, it only takes us to the top of the thread where the comment is located. It would be great to have that feature back.Similarly, having the option to click directly on the latest unread comments in the Activity Tracker would be super helpful.
Thank you!
I'm not sure we can modify the activity tracker easily like that...but we can look into it later.
Separately, I'm currently doing a bunch of content editing to fix broken videos that used an outdated embedding format which is bumping up the content in the "last updated" queue as I add the old videos back. Hopefully I'll be done with messing with those in the next few days (It's a manual process and theres like 400 :( of them) and after that the activity tracker will then just show new stuff rather than all the old stuff that had to be updated/resaved.
You can always see all the real new comment activity from the "all recent comments" listing page - (and I do have a thing in the works to make browsing all the newly added forum topics better but I have to finish the thing I'm working on before I can finish that up)
no rush at all. Even if it doesn’t happen, I still 💕 the site!
Great job, Floyd and Dorota - I can't begin to imagine how much work and time went into doing the site upgrade!
It all looks pretty good - nice and clean - somewhat too much white space for my liking, but you have explained why this needs to be; at least there are no Google style curved end dialogue boxes!
A question though about the home page: on the old site as I saw it there was recent posts on the left, blogs and then advanced posts below that. On the right there were recent comments on the right and I think bookmarks below that.
For the new posts, blogs and comments, there was a button at the bottom of each section that took you to a list of all the posts for that section in chronological order with pagination buttons. I don't see those buttons on the home page anymore - I guess the lists on the home page can do the job. But what about when the main page fills up with posts and comments - will the older posts be there in paginated lists? Or will there be a cutoff after so many entries?
I think there would be a loss of functionality if you had to scan though each subject section of the forum, but maybe I am missing something.
Another minor thing I have just noticed as I write this comment: in the past when writing a comment, my browser tab text would change to something like "creating new comment", but now it has just stayed at "Welcome to the new site..." Since I always have plenty of tabs open, it can make navigating back to your work in progress tricky if you change tab for whatever reason.
Hi Lance - its been months in the making and we're still working on it. The parts that I can help with rely on more database and back-end under-the-hood bits that Floyd's been focused on.
Regarding the missing listing pages - yes - we are still working on those. Every single one of those listing pages has to be rebuilt (and then styled so it looks ok... it's a whole thing...) . We're working on it (and rebuilding those most useful listing pages is on my to-do list.) Floyd spent three hours this morning just digging into the migrated mail stuff so it's going to take a bit of time.
Thanks for your patience.
Regarding the tabs issue - I'll look into that too - but if you're adding a comment by clicking "reply" then you do currently see "Add new comment" as the tab title (if you're responding in-line with the thread you're not on a new page though - which is how it's always worked)
Sorry, didn't mean to sound pushy - I just wasn't clear about the endgame layout.
Regarding tab title, I now realise that I did "add new comment" rather than "reply", so that explains it.
The all comments page is there now. Dorota built it and I blew up the site for a few minutes deploying it, which I think is a sign I should stop and take a few hours away from the computer this weekend. As she said though, we'll continue to work on adding back the features that got dropped.
Actually noticed the fix was in before seeing this comment, thanks so much
One thing I've just noticed is the the links from /comments do not take you to the comment directly.
For example, from the home-page in the recent comments section the link to my comment, "Might have to buy some more rye" is linked to:
But from it links to:
which takes you to the blog post and you have to unfortunately hunt for the comment.
Fix confirmed working, amazing effort
Another place where it takes you to the post and not directly to the comment on the post is if you're looking at a user profile, and click on any of the comments from their comment history.
Hope you remember what you did to fix the other one, Floyd!
should be fixed now :)
Thanks so much, much appreciated!
Just added the Activity Tracker listing page which shows anything with recent activity (posts and comments) on any content (blog+ forum) with the pager. The link to that currently has been added to the footer.
(I'm aware that the listing table is a little squished on phones but we'll have to circle back to that later to add some more finishing touches - but at least the listing page that folks had before is now back.)
Note: that there may be some older posts surfacing there over the next few days as I work to restore old videos that were using the outdated markup styles- that listing page shows any content that was recently updated - not just when it was posted - which includes when I'm fixing stuff.
Thank you, Dorota!

One of my favorite features!
When I tried to go to page 2 in a forum topic I was returned to the recent posts page. Same if I used next selection.
Android tablet using Chrome.
Thanks for the hard work.
Thank you for reporting this. I must have broken that earlier today when trying to fix something else. I've fixed it now.
Love how the new site looks! And as a newbie, I actually really like the double-enter to double-space. It's more in line with my typing experience elsewhere.
The only thing I miss from the old site is the photos on the main page! It was nice to see everyone's bakes. But in the grand scheme of things, this is so so minor.
Yeah, I enjoyed the homepage features too, as well as the featured posts in the sidebar. It wasn't a top priority to get those in place before the migration -- it's like thinking about the art that you want to hang on the wall before moving into a house that is still under construction -- but I definitely think featuring lovely breads made by community members makes it more inviting here.
Thank you both for all your work on this, truly.
So far I am able to navigate things ok. Though it is a little different, overall it seems to be working fine. The one thing I am having difficulty with is uploading photos. I made the mistake of deleting my profile pic before figuring out how to upload a new one, lol. I can't seem to shrink the file size on my phone to something that will upload on this new site (was able to do it on the old site). Maybe once things settle down a bit for you, could you add some sort of tips on how to add photos? I know people struggled with that before too.
Thanks. Yes, good points.
Thanks for making this appear so smooth from the front side! I spent too many years doing too many of these upgrades to ever believe it was that smooth from your POV!! Congratulations on the success though. Now you and Dorota should go get some sleep!
Heh, thank you.
My Fitbit shows that I haven't gotten a good night of sleep since 3-4 days before the switch over -- anxiety about the pending switch, then anxiety about any/all the little mistakes and missing features -- but it is coming together.
I very much appreciate the patience and kindness of folks here. It hasn't been perfect but we're doing our best given all of life's competing priorities. It is nice that people recognize that.
FYI - Alan tried to message me but my name doesn't pop up in the search window. He tried to find a 'send a message' button in my profile but that has gone too. So he had to find an old correspondence to PM me.
for messaging, there is no longer a Preview Message, only Send Message
It is clear to me that the new private message system is underbaked.
I actually thought I was going to have to completely drop private messaging as a site feature, but then I noticed that someone had done some work on creating an updated version of it. Alas, it clearly isn't ready for prime time yet. Like a lot of open source projects, this depends on developers volunteering their spare time to make it happen, and someone probably got busy before they could complete it.
I may be able to contribute some time and help improve the private message module at some point in the future, but I think we're looking at weeks or months before it gets much better rather than a few days. It's just too big a feature for me personally to commit to fixing any time soon.
In the meantime, I'd like to purge all of the existing private messages. As far as I can tell it is secure, but I just don't trust the state of this feature enough. Also, I suspect few of the PMs were intended to be held on to forever. I hadn't realized the old system retained all of them until now. They should go.
I won't delete them without a few days' advanced warning. Consider this foreshadowing, not the actual warning that I'm going to delete PMs. That will come soon.
I'm just letting you know issues as they come to my attention. I'm no computer buff. Whatever you think is best for the system.
Thank you for all your hard work.
Thanks Floyd and Dorota for all the hard work. The new site is fresh and a pleasure to navigate, page loading is nice and speedy. The transition has been more or less seamless on this end. No doubt however it has been quite the task for you guys, much appreciated!
A few things I've noticed that I'd like to address:
Tables - Tables are now barebones. On the old site, when I copied and pasted a table from excel it would retain at least some formatting, such as common colours (red, yellow, blue and others) and right alignment on numerical columns. If I wanted to add further alignment or tweak colours I could do so by editing the Source code HTML. This is no longer possible. Any improvements on this would be welcome.
Text Alignment Button - In relation to the above formatting, I have noticed that there is no longer a button to align text, left, right, centre etc.
Localised Date Formatting - Try as I might, I will never be able to accept the US date formatting of MM/DD/YYYY. On the old site I believe when the London Time Zone was selected it would provide thecorrectDD/MM/YYYY date format for those of us in the UK. Might be a long shot to fix this, but I hope it is possible...Thanks again,
The last company I worked for had a global date standard that is the least ambiguous date format I have seen. Today's date is:
08 Jan 2025 (or 08-Jan-2025)
By using letters for the month and the full 4-digit year in this format, there was never the ambiguity of US or other all-numerical formats. I still use this when signing documents.
I know the date thing bugs me too . I suspect the fix is going to be just using the long date format (with words) rather than the numerical one - since that's a setting we can tweak...but it's one of those things where we have to address a bunch of places where the longer date format messes up the way things lay out on different sizes screens - which means digging around the styling that gets applied in a bunch of different places. So you know.... nothing is ever easy (⋟﹏⋞)We can take a look when we get through some of these other issues were working through.Looks like Floyd fixed it yay!
Super Floyd! Avoiding an international conflict ;-) and saving the world!
Magic, thanks!
I've noticed yesterday and today that there are a large number of threads showing up in the Activity Tracker page that have "new" posts. The thing is, many of those "new" posts were made several years ago. I've not been able to discern a pattern, so can't suggest a fix.
Aside from these wonky new-but-not-new posts, it's good to have the Activity Tracker.
Yes, post-release we noticed some of the video embeds didn't migrate right, so Dorota and I have been fixing those to restore the embedded videos. When we do, that bumps the post to the top of the Activity Tracker. We're a little over halfway done, so you'll see similar activity for another day or two, but once that settles down the Activity Tracker should be useful again.
Thanks to you and Dorota for all of the effort you are putting into this upgrade.
This is an extremely minor difference between the old an new sites. On the old site, I could quickly navigate to the new posts in a thread because they were marked *new*. I would use the Find in Page search to find all the new posts. This is handy when the thread isn't entirely linear with all the new posts at the end. The new site has a highlighted "new" label for new posts, but without the asterisks, there can be too many hits for "new" in a search, like on this thread.
Thank you again for all the hard work!
The software makes it unreasonably difficult to do that but I figured out how to. Good suggestion.
Floyd and Dorota you are miracle workers! I've been a member here almost from the beginning. I don't post much but I read and appreciate almost daily. Your efforts to renew the site have been Herculean and it is so sleek and streamlined it is almost a whole new experience. I thank you - and thank you even more for never selling the site.
Is there some way to contribute that doesn't involve PayPal?
We live in Canada (Vancouver), which can complicate things, but something like Starbucks gift cards look like they transfer fine from US to CA if you want to buy us a cup of coffee. Or there are local options like Murchie's Tea & Coffee. As you probably know, my email is floydm at
It is not at all expected or necessary for you to do that, but I don't want to be rude and ignore your question (again). Either way, your kind words and continued participation here are appreciated.
I noticed that my email notifications for this thread and another thread have stopped. I don't believe that I have changed any settings. My last notification was at 0936 AM CST.
Has anyone else noticed this the lack of notifications?
I received two email notifications at around 8 AM PST today (Wed. Jan. 8). No other notifications were expected.
I can see that my server is sending the messages fine, but only about 1 in 5 is getting to you. Your email provider is rejecting mail from mine:
I use a popular commercial email vendor called Sendgrid because trying to manage email on my own was extremely time consuming and the deliverability kept declining as the big email vendors got tougher and tougher on spam.
There isn't a lot that I'm going to be able to do about this, unfortunately. Perhaps your email vendor is suspicious of my server because of the recent site move. If that is the case, hopefully it'll become more permissive again in the future.
I also haven't been receiving notifications. Although this started happening before the upgrade and I'd only get the odd email or two.
Same as above: I can see that my service is sending the email but your provider is rejecting them because they think my sender may be suspicious.
Typically about 5% of the messages sent from here are rejected for various reasons. Yesterday it bumped up to 18%, so it is possible that they are being extra careful because they noticed that the location of my server changed. Today is hovering around 12%.
I've jumped through all the mail-related hoops that I know of to prove that my server is a trustworthy, legitimate sender. There isn't much more I can do other than wait it out and hope provider relax their filter again soon.
I received an email notification for your recent reply to me. I added floydm at thefreshloaf dot com to my safe senders list. Perhaps that will help. Others who fail to receive notifications might also wish to add this email address to their safe senders.
Thanks, from a new user.
Would it be helpful if I posted or emailed the headers of the three notification messages that I did receive (two from before I added the forum's email address to my safe senders list and the other from after)?
Hi Petek,
Unfortunately, it's a fickle thing on the receiving end, not something we have any control over (we don't do anything different regarding which ones get through and which ones don't).
I did add a help page with instructions for adding the safe senders list (the blocking seems to be particularly aggressive for Outlook, Live and hotmail users from what I've seen).
As far as I know, that is the best we can do besides hoping things shake out on the recipient end.
Can’t wait to explore….
I stopped getting notifications of threads I started or participate in.
I had the same problem. It seems the new URL triggered more strict filtering on the email carrier side. Floyd mentioned that Hotmail seemed to be very aggressive. Since I had been logging in with Hotmail, I decided to switch my log in email to Gmail. It seems to have worked. You can try marking The fresh loaf as safe.
Interesting, I did get notified of your reply.
My email comes to my own domain, and the provider is set to not do any filtering. I just checked with their webmail, and there's nothing in spam or trash, so they're not filtering anything.
Hi Precaud,
You may need to double check that your account is opted in for email notifications on comments to your content. The site doesn't default to opting anyone into getting mails and Im not sure what got migrated.
There's a how-to here.
That appears to be the issue. Apparently that setting did not migrate.
This software handles replies differently. The last one you "subscribed to a thread" and got notification of all new comments. This one defaults to "replies to my comment". Which is why I got notified earlier today. Other comments go unnotified unless you change the default to "all comments".
More confusing than useful, I'd say. But thanks for pointing to the solution!
BTW, thank you for adding the menu link to the new posts in a thread!
I’m no longer getting notifications as well. Is there something in my profile that needs to be turned on (besides the checkbox on the page with the comment)?
EDITED: I just noticed your earlier reply, Dorota, and it was unchecked in my profile. I’ve fixed that now, so please ignore my comment.
I use Dreamhost for my email service. It's not free but it's not expensive, either. I don't have a problem getting email notifications from TFL. But sometimes when I send a message, even when I've sent hundreds of messages to the same person before, the message will get bounced. When Dreamhost looks into it, the recipient's email service turns out to have blocked DH, or a range of DH addresses, for no obvious reason. DH says it's because some site having a DH address has been sending emails that the blocking service deems "bad".
DH has always been able to work with the other service and restore the email connection. My point is not to use DH, but that these blockages can come and go for no apparent reason.
It used to be possible to search TFL by member's name and also see posts that they created or commented on. "Track", I think it was titled.
I found this quite useful from time to time, but I don't see it any more; just wondering if it is on the to do list or not?
Hi Lance,
The new system doesnt come with out of box user tracking like that so the old "track" tab you were used to isn't available.
However, we did build the account profile pages with similar functionality - going to a user's profile page will show you:
Plus it is set up to display all the content that they have created, showing the most recent stuff first:
Also there's the overall activity tracker in the footer, which isn't tied to any specific site member but shows any content that has been recently posted, commented on, or if a comment was updated in the thread
Thanks for the explanation of the new system, Dorota; you and Floyd think of everything!
Very nice to meet you. First let me say, I am so greatful, for all the work Floyd and you are putting into the bread club. Thanks again.
Re: personal tracking.
I think this is a great new feature! More than a few times I have searched my name to find an old forum post, with mixed results. Having the activity history on my bio page is aces!
Kind regards,
Will Falzon
Another difference in email notifications between the old vs new site. The old site used to send out notifications for any thread you participated in and subscribed to. I would get notified for every new post. I liked that. The new site only sends out one 'new activity' notification and then stops sending them until you log in again. That means you will not be notified of new activity on all theads you follow.
On the 12th I should have received notifs from two different threads. It sent the 1st one, but not the 2nd.
Yesterday I decided not to log out after my morning read, to see how it impacts notifications. This resulted in me getting zero notifications of new posts in this thread and one other.
Even worse: In my account settings, I have it set for getting notification of ALL comments. When I reply to a post, the "Notify me when new comments are posted" is checked (which is ok), but it defaults to "Replies to my comment". This OVERRIDES, for this thread, my global setting of wanting notification of all new posts in a thread. This is creating a problem where none existed beforehand. The system should abide by its own rules, be smart enough to look at my account settings, and use my default setting! Now every time I make a reply, I have to make sure that the "All comments" box is checked.
This is NOT user-friendly. I'd say the whole notification thing is either not well thought out, or not well-executed, or both.
(This is not Floyd or Dorata's fault, it's the software design...)
OTOH, I don't log out and I keep getting the email notifications.
Huh... that is wierd...
Also wierd is that the Notify default on this reply is "All comments". On my earlier post it was only for replies to my comment.
Did you select all comments on the earlier post? If so, maybe that's why it is preselected.
Yes, but it wasn't earlier... hence my surprise.
Even worse: In my account settings, I have it set for getting notification of ALL comments.
This is for comments to posts you have created (forum or blog). At least, that's always how it's worked for me. When I comment on anyone else's blog or forum post, I can choose all comments or just replies to my own. Post, comment, reply --- all seem to have different meanings in different places (and to different people). I think the system is obeying its own rules, they just aren't always clear.
FWIW I think I'm getting all the notifications I've signed up for, but they don't always come in real time (some do). Lately a lot of them (especially private messages) have not been arriving to my inbox until next day. I don't know where the hold-up is, but I assume it could be with my email provider.
There are two settings: One for notifs on your content (authored by you), and one for replies to your comments on others' content. I was referring to the latter.
@Will F. : I don't think there is anything 'demanding' going on here. If you've ever been through a site software migration before, this is all pretty normal stuff. It's what Floyd asked for in the OP : "If you run into problems, feel free to comment below...".
I just put in place a fix that I hope will make the editor behave better when you embed a large image in your post and then go back and edit it. The editor was blowing out and going huge. Now I hope it'll stay small and just the image will display at the appropriate scale.
Let me know if this gives you any problems when posting.
When I look at the main Forums page, it says the last post in the Bread Machine Recipes forum is by mariana 4 days 18 hours ago.
But when I look at that forum, that post is noowhere to be found.
That last column must be taking prompts from last updated not last time a new item was created and we might need to take a peek at the labels at the top there.
We have been doing content updates to a bunch of old posts (and there was a bunch of activity there 4 days ago - mariana had a lot of videos) to add back in videos and old markup that had broken in the migration. There may be some disruption for a bit with the counters dealing with "new" stuff while we finish fixing some migration issues.
OK, thanks for the explanation and headsup, that makes sense. Making old content work can be a PITA, for sure... :-(
I recently migrated my little site to a new host. Their 'site transfer' app put all but the home page into .tmp directories on their server and changed all post links to point there. After activation, it copied them into approriately-named permanent folders, deleted the .tmps, but didn't remove the .tmp in the links, so none of the pointers in the site content worked. I had to manually edit every one... ugh.Fixing links on the scale of TFL would be (choose your adjective).
A doctor's office here had to migrate their medical records to a new system. Some patients' came over in full, some only in part. Now that's scary.
A small issue I've noticed and interestingly it was also an issue on the old site, is that comment links don't support threads with multiple pages.
If a new comment appears on page 2 onwards the link to it will not work. I can manually edit the link by inserting the appropriate "?page=X" before the "#xxxxxx" though.
Did anyone else ever notice this?
Yes, I noted it earlier in this thread, the need for a link that actually takes you to the latest post. The software tells you when the last post was made, but doesn't give you a link to it. It's just a tease... :-)
Yes, and when you click your way to the next or last page, all the *new* tags disappear, even on the pages you haven't scrolled through yet.
Would it be possible to add the page bar to the top as well as the bottom, so you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom to jump to the last page? Just something to add to the list of requests for someday. Pretty please .....
The new site is still awesome :)
Good morning, bread club friends. ( I believe we are all friends here.) Just a reminder. Some of the requests for bug fixes are sounding a bit demanding to me. It could very well be just me,.as it's hard to tell the tone of a reply. While I know, and understand Floyd has asked for notifications of bugs. Keep in mind Floyd and Donada are doing this work out of love. They are doing there best to make the bread club the best it can be. That being said, all good things take time and patience. I am more than sure the platform will continue to improve making our club the greatest of all times! Happy baking. I am making cherry pie today. What are you baking?
Kind regards,
Will F.
The ease of embedding video is a welcome upgrade.
Thank you everyone for your feedback. I'm taking this post off the front page now. Everyone's feedback and comments have been read and the incomplete ones are being added to our list of potential changes and improvements for the future.
The pace of change here is, I hope, slowing a bit, both because I've moved my focus to some of the less noticeable changes like tuning the database, the backup regimen, and applying the latest security updates, and because we need to catch our breath a bit and take care of some non-TFL responsibilities.
I think the site is running pretty smoothly at the moment, but there are definitely still things I'd like to make better like doing a better job of surfacing the gorgeous photos you take and posts you all make. All in due time!
Thanks again.
Everything is running smoothly. Like a Swiss watch even!
For me, the main take away is that TFL is now set to thrive and live on into the future.
I have been experiencing the beautiful new look here but did notice that the links are hard to see as the font color is too similar in contrast to the regular font color. Can it be a darker color? Different color? It would be so much easier to see it.
I have no idea how that is accomplished-how easy or how difficult. I appreciate all you do for this site. THANK YOU!!
Yeah, I've been trying to get the links right, distinct enough that you can tell they are links w/o being too different and colourful.
I just put underlines under links when the occur in the body of a post or a comment. I think that helps with link discovery in those places while keeping the text readable. Let me know what you think.
(You might need to refresh the page a few times to pick up that change).
I always have set my browsers not to underline links, so I'd rather not have TFL do so.
Sorry but I am not going to be able to please everyone all the time. I'm going to lean towards trying to make things legible and accessible.
If you look at the Washington Post, NY Times, Wired, the New Yorker, or most of the other reading heavy sites I see, links within the body of long articles are underlined. I'm following that model as it seems like a good one and probably has been tested by many/most of those organizations. They know what they are doing better than I do.
If you can and want to set up your browser to remove the underlines, go for it. I don't find them particularly disruptive here, so far.
That's for sure. And you are doing a great job! Thank you again.
And in my browser, the links are not underlined so I didn't even know you were doing so.
Thanks,Floyd! This made it much easier to "see" the links-especially when back-searching through a lot of posts.
Interesting - I am rather red-green colorblind but the links stand out well for me. Accommodating a wide range of color vision variations can be really hard. Also, I don't like links that are too assertive. Maybe one solution would be to use a different font face (not italic). That should provide a good cue while not being obtrusive. Of course, the font would have to be one that is normally available on Linux and Mac, not so easy to arrange either.
That reminds me - I am finding the font on the new site very easy and pleasant to read.
Hi Floyd,
I don’t know if anyone else besides me uses the RSS feed still. I think it is not working the way it did on the old server. In my feed I am getting only new blog posts. One good thing is that the feed now includes posted comments where it never did previously.
However, the feed doesn’t include anything other than blog posts: nothing from any of the other forums and I think that is a change. Either way, would it be possible to include the other posts in the feed?
I didn't know there was an RSS feed. I would have been using it all along if I had.
The link is the little broadcast icon to the right of ”Activity Tracker” at the bottom of the page.