Big boy 2 Lbs. 11 oz. Filone

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Tail of the tape:

15% whole wheat nature yeast culture.

Bread flour

Whole wheat 

Whole dark rye




Profile picture for user mwilson

Very nice scoring, Will! Like an artist with a brush.

Good fermentation shines through the crumb.

Great bake!


Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

In reply to by mwilson

Thank you my old friend. This bakes flour choices and percentage is probably the best in my country bread experiments to date. I made sure I saved the formula. Something I often neglect to do. Happy Christmas to you and your family! Off topic.

I made a dish from my childhood yesterday. Maltese baked rice. "Ross tal forn" literally translates to rice of the oven. We did not have everything as kids. However, we had what was important and we never went to bed hungry. 


Will F.