Two thick Sicilian par baked bases.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Two thick Sicilian bases, before, and after par baking. One for tonights pizza 🍕 party, one for the freezer. These are the 16X16 - 9 slice pizza pies!


Good idea. I've thought to do this in he past, but was unsure of the optimum time and temperature for a par bake. What do you recommend?


Timing wise these were par baked for 12 minutes at 424°F. What I was looking to achieve was to bring the dough to a point where it was just barley starting to brown. The final topped bake took another 35 minutes. 

Profile picture for user jo_en

Parbaking is a great idea!  I never thought to freeze the crust. 

I had only parbaked (3-3.5min, 480-500F)  and flipped small, round doughs before putting on the tomato sauce.

The bubbly dough looks great!  I will try it soon.  I have a dough going now. :)

Profile picture for user pmccool

It's a good thing for you that Arizona is too much of a hike from Michigan to get a pizza.  Otherwise, I'd have been knocking on your front door to mooch a slice.
