Gary Bishop offered his Marcato Marga Molino flaker with motor for sale here on TFL. I already had the hand crank version and it worked ok but due to my hands / arthritis I wasn’t able to use it without significant pain .
I haven’t had time to use his for oat groats til today. I prepped the groats as I’ve done before - premoisten with 3tsp water per 2 c groats shake and leave for 8-24 hrs. I fiddled with the settings as they are different from my older model. It’s fantastic and extremely easy to use. #6 is a perfect flake. On my older model it’s #0.
Bonus1 : motor also works on my old model!
Bonus 2: and this is the game changer!!! After I flaked the 4 c of pretreated groats I decided to try groats straight from the bag. Voila! They are identical to the pretreated groats. So now we can have them fresh flaked . I’ll store these in the freezer.
I was never able to flake untreated groats; you clearly have the touch.
It was an afterthought. As you can see I did a LOT of groats! Tried both machines and all settings just to verify previous findings. Had the “ ah ha” moment as I was putting everything away. So glad I tried non- prepped groats. Will be trying some wheat and rye to see how it does. I’ve done barley in the past and it’s addicting toasted with butter then add maple syrup and make porridge bread. Definitely a treat.
thanks again! c
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. So interesting what you're doing to work around the arthritis. Keep at it.
Everyone on my Mom’s side had crippling arthritis in their hands. My Mom had it in all her joints as did her sisters. I’m extremely fortunate that it’s just my hands. I’m almost 74 and can still run trails and bicycle miles of hills.
I read the posts here on TFL about using mixers for bread dough and numerous folds to develop gluten and I have posted about my minimalist techniques. I hope it’s assisted others with limited mobility. Less is definitely more!
Hope you try flaking it makes a product that’s so much more healthy with every part of the grain present and no heat treatment or chemicals. c
I've been using your method and it is working very well.
Further confirmation. My KA hasn’t been out in quite awhile! c
+1 for minimalist!