Infinity Bread CB - All Bakes


Here's a list of all the bakes sent in for the Infinity Bread Community bake. Hope I didn't miss any!

[September 10 - added three template test bakes]

AbeSeeded Buckwheat Bread
AlbacoreInfinitely SeededLoaves
AlfonzoInfinity Ciabatta
Alfonzo80% PFF biga at 79% overall hydration Bageuttes
BenitoSeeded Buckwheat Whole Wheat SD Soy Milk Avocado Oil Bread
CalBeachBakerWheat, Corn, Pepita Seeds
cfraenkelKombucha Soaker, Hazlenut and Date bread
GaryBishopMy template CB loaf
HeiHei29erRoasted Cereal Grains and Honey Ginger Sesame Seed
Ilya FlyamerRye Rolls
Isand66Sprouted Corn, Durum, Rye, Toasted Sesame, Bacon with Cheese SD
islandbakeryInfinity Bread
JonJWholewheat and sifted rye
leslierufMy attempt at Paul’s Infinity bread
occidentalBlue Corn and Sesame Sourdough - Infinity Bread
pmccoolAnother proof of concept
pmccoolSecond run: a lean hearth bread
SabinaRye with pumpkin water and pumpkin seeds
SquatterCity1/3 toasted scalded buckwheat
The Roadside Pie KingHayden Grain mill heritage flour Infinity Bread
The Roadside Pie Kingsunflower topped Infinity Bread
tpassinPickled Sweet Corn Bread
tpassinInfinity Rolls
tpassinKesra rakhsis - Infinity Bake Version
tpassinInfinity Soda Bread
WatertownNewbieMy Infinity Bread

Gary Bishop made a sandwich loaf and I made a sandwich loaf and a hearth loaf as proof of concept in the run up to the CB.  They were linked in the CB's lead post but not included in the string of CB posts that followed.


Here's the list updated with those three template test bakes; I've also updated the original post:

AbeSeeded Buckwheat Bread
AlbacoreInfinitely SeededLoaves
AlfonzoInfinity Ciabatta
Alfonzo80% PFF biga at 79% overall hydration Bageuttes
BenitoSeeded Buckwheat Whole Wheat SD Soy Milk Avocado Oil Bread
CalBeachBakerWheat, Corn, Pepita Seeds
cfraenkelKombucha Soaker, Hazlenut and Date bread
GaryBishopMy template CB loaf
HeiHei29erRoasted Cereal Grains and Honey Ginger Sesame Seed
Ilya FlyamerRye Rolls
Isand66Sprouted Corn, Durum, Rye, Toasted Sesame, Bacon with Cheese SD
islandbakeryInfinity Bread
JonJWholewheat and sifted rye
leslierufMy attempt at Paul’s Infinity bread
occidentalBlue Corn and Sesame Sourdough - Infinity Bread
pmccoolAnother proof of concept
pmccoolSecond run: a lean hearth bread
SabinaRye with pumpkin water and pumpkin seeds
SquatterCity1/3 toasted scalded buckwheat
The Roadside Pie KingHayden Grain mill heritage flour Infinity Bread
The Roadside Pie Kingsunflower topped Infinity Bread
tpassinPickled Sweet Corn Bread
tpassinInfinity Rolls
tpassinKesra rakhsis - Infinity Bake Version
tpassinInfinity Soda Bread
WatertownNewbieMy Infinity Bread