I'm glad you found The Fresh Loaf. Our host, Floyd Mann, keeps the site working while the rest of us drop in with our latest baking adventures and misadventures.
There is an enormous amount of data that has accumulated over the years since the site began. One of the easiest ways to access it is to use the Search tool in the upper right-hand corner of most pages. Type in whatever interests you, whether sourdough croissants or Pullman pans or cinnamon rolls or something else entirely, then click the button labeled Search. You'll get page after page of posts about that topic.
If, after looking through the archives, you have a question that still needs an answer, just ask. Someone is bound to know the answer or know where to find it.
Enjoy your time here. I look forward to hearing about your bakes.
Hello Mona, fellow new member here as well and just wanted to stop and say hi and look forward to seeing post and discussing things about baking with another new member.
Also I'm from New York but I have a brother who has lived in the Houston area for 15 years but should be moving back to the Northeast in a few months to lower New Jersey. Magnolia is the area he lives in.
I'm glad you found The Fresh Loaf. Our host, Floyd Mann, keeps the site working while the rest of us drop in with our latest baking adventures and misadventures.
There is an enormous amount of data that has accumulated over the years since the site began. One of the easiest ways to access it is to use the Search tool in the upper right-hand corner of most pages. Type in whatever interests you, whether sourdough croissants or Pullman pans or cinnamon rolls or something else entirely, then click the button labeled Search. You'll get page after page of posts about that topic.
If, after looking through the archives, you have a question that still needs an answer, just ask. Someone is bound to know the answer or know where to find it.
Enjoy your time here. I look forward to hearing about your bakes.
Hello Mona, fellow new member here as well and just wanted to stop and say hi and look forward to seeing post and discussing things about baking with another new member.
Also I'm from New York but I have a brother who has lived in the Houston area for 15 years but should be moving back to the Northeast in a few months to lower New Jersey. Magnolia is the area he lives in.