Mauricio has some really good techniques and recipes, as do others out there. It can be helpful to focus on one resource and do things as they suggest, with 1:1 help as needed, rather than going 6+ different directions. Determining whether that is a good value for the money spent is difficult for anyone to decide for someone else. "One man's treasure..."
I hear you. I was reaching out to anyone that is actually a member and see what they thought of the membership, but that is good advice, especially the part about following one set of directions. I think that has been one of my main problems in baking also bad bookkeeping.
i use a few of his recipes and visit the site with some frequency, but am not a member. what are you looking to get through the membership that you can’t get for free on his site?
If you want to pay - go for it - otherwise forget it. Enjoy!
Mauricio has some really good techniques and recipes, as do others out there. It can be helpful to focus on one resource and do things as they suggest, with 1:1 help as needed, rather than going 6+ different directions. Determining whether that is a good value for the money spent is difficult for anyone to decide for someone else. "One man's treasure..."
Best wishes whichever way you go.
I hear you. I was reaching out to anyone that is actually a member and see what they thought of the membership, but that is good advice, especially the part about following one set of directions. I think that has been one of my main problems in baking also bad bookkeeping.
i use a few of his recipes and visit the site with some frequency, but am not a member. what are you looking to get through the membership that you can’t get for free on his site?