stand mixer help


I got a new stand mixer for Christmas!!!!!!!!


now I wanna play with it. I have never used a stand mixer. for your average loaf of white bread, how long do I knead it with the dough hooks and stuff?



I usually mix 5 to 6 minutes then knead for a minute or two by hand until the pane test works.

Some recipes call for 10 minutes with the dough hook, but I have never mixed the dough that long.


You can tell when the bread is sufficiently kneaded by employing a test called windowpane. Stretch a section of the dough until it forms a very thin sheet that is translucent. The dough is done when you can stretch a thin translucent “windowpane” without the dough breaking.

This works for white breads, not whole wheats and other grain breads.

I generally knead until the dough is 75 degrees F, 8-10 minutes.