Flour in the USA vs. flour in Spain


I am an avid bread baker in the USA.  I have been making a no knead dried cherry walnut bread in a dutch oven for a couple years in the USA.  I always use King Arthur unbleached all-purpose flour there.  But when I try to make here in Spain I have tried the Harina de Trigo.  The dough turns out SO wet.  It still tastes very good but, the crust turns out quite hard.  I am thinking that I need to try a stronger flour, like Harina Fuerza but I am not sure.  Can anyone on this forum help me with this?

  1. I also struggled with this issue. Flour in the USA comes from hard red wheat which has more protein content than European flour that comes from soft wheat. So the USA all purpose flour can have up to 11,7 % protein like King Arthur, the Spanish all purpose flour has less. Look for  Harina de fuerza with an 11% protein content. It would help if you know which percentage the flour you used in the USA has and go from there.