I have to stop eating gluten for a while, so why not to learn how to bake stuff without it.
My no recipe approach does not work anymore. I produced a hideous monster of a loaf ans it is going to enrich my compost pile today. I thought: it cannot be any more complicated than a rye bread. Well, it can.
Anyway, I found this beautiful recipe on YouTube and this bread is just lovely. The dough was very pleasant to work with and the result actually exceeded my expectations. Slices great, makes a lovely toast.
- Martadella's Blog
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You must have hit the jackpot! The crumb and crust look as nice as anyone could want.
It's a very nice YouTube channel. I will be trying more of their recipes. Looks like these people know exactly what they are doing.
Beautiful! I think I'll take this on one of these days.
But I'm saddened that this might mean we lose out on all your amazing ryes. They have been an inspiration.
I'll be baking rye for the rest of the family anyway. But I'm kind of excited to be learning something completely new and different.
Spectacular crumb for any sandwich bread but incredible that this is gluten free. Really nice.
Thank you very much. It was on the brink of overproofing but turned out quite nice in the end.