Kalamata olives, sage, garlic, and black pepper sourdough.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Hello, friends.

Did you miss me? I have been keeping busy exploring south, west of San Tan Valley. 

For today's exercise, I will finally bring to fruition the olive sourdough bread I have been dreaming of. 

 I will spare you all, every tiny detail. Stop by later for the end game. 


The tail of the tape.

I still need to convert to bakers %. 

Mother - half and half AP & rye

Bread flour

Whole wheat flour

Water (let's call it 70%)


Kalamata olives

Dry sage

Minced fresh garlic

Cracked black pepper

The batard could have had more lift. That being said , this is a very nice outcome. I hear tell garlic can inhibits yeast activity. Additionally, the formula calls for a large amount of pre fermented flour.