Hi, My first post, (I've been lurking for some time). I just started using a Winholt NHPL1836 ECOE proofer. When fiddling with the controls ( I know ,this takes time and patience) to dial in a workable environment ( 78dF / 75% +- Humid) , I cannot get a 77-78dF temp, and an acceptable humidity so that there is no drying of the dough skin while proofing. I find I have to live with 84dF - 88dF range so far, with my playing around with the Humidity knob and heat knob. Heat knob is now off completely, so I'm just using the proof setting, and humidity dial.
Anyone here have experience with this?
this is a super long shot granted is been 7 years since you posted this but I have to try and ask.
I'm literally having the same issue with the same proofer. we are trying to dial this winholt in to bake off many croissants at 80 degrees and 80% humidity but yeah exactly the same issue. did you ever find a solution to this?
after 7 years of posting this lol