Burger Buns

Profile picture for user SylviaH

I needed some easy  burger buns and these were perfect with just a few changes!  Hamburger/sandwich Buns with added 12 grain KA flour and potato.  I left out the gluten...original recipe from Beth Hensperger Bread Machine Cookbook.  She has some amazingly good recipes in this book!  These had a very nice flavor and crust with a tender crumb....great for sandwiches!


Here I have been on a " I can't think of anything to cook for supper" tour for a week now, and all I should be doing is looking for your post and just cook away! You, my friend, have been on a roll since the holiday's started! My hats off to you! Lets see.... Cooks Illustrated did the ultimate steakhouse burger a while back with milk soaked bread, chopped garlic, a little bacon fat for smokey goodness..... My wheels are turning now!  Thanks!!!!!!


Profile picture for user SylviaH

 Your welcome Audra....Dinner can be a problem...that steakhouse burger sure sounds good!  Seems there's always a hungry husband around here!! : )
