Need some help


I’ve tried devolping gluten but it wont form in my pan de cristal


Type of flour, amount of hydration are just 2 basics. Having the ingredients by weight would be a great help. Most importantly, what did you do to develop the gluten?

Just looking at the picture, it looks like a white flour of some kind with a lot of water. AP flour? Bread flour? Protein level in the flour? The pic looks more like a batter than a dough. Is there salt? Yeast? Natural levain? Please do a more complete writeup to give us something to comment on.

Do you have any baking experience with bread dough? Pan de cristal is a very challenging bread to start with. 

If you want some assistance, list the ingredients, amounts (weighed is best but volume measures can work), and info about how the ingredients were handled. Include temp of the room, how the dough was mixed (By hand or machine), temp and timing of any rests, bulk fermentation or proofing. We need details.

The Fresh Loaf is a great place to figure this out but we need some basic info. I am interested to see the recipe and techniques you used as pan de cristal is a very interesting bread.