All things equal, will more butter in a sandwich type loaf make the crumb more or less "crumbly" as the loaf ages. I can't wrap my head around if it's more important to have the fat from the butter to keep it soft or to have better gluten structure with less butter (less shortening).
Anyone looked at it from that point?
brioche doesn’t get as crumbly as it ages, compared to other breads. And brioche is known for a high butter content. It also has a high egg content, which should work to keep the crumb flexible.
My experience would suggest that a high percentage of whole grains tends more toward crumbly, as do lean breads. Neither of those is an absolute, just tendencies I’ve noticed. And those tendencies can be moderated, too.
Thanks Paul! Hadn't thought about the egg component. This recipe does have some whole grain and is fairly lean (3% butter). Guess that's two strikes against me. :-)