KitchenAid Standmixer Troubleshooting


Hey folks,

Have a KitchenAid stand mixer model KP26M9PCCU that sounds to be struggling pretty hard and I was wondering if I should consider a return or repair? It sounds like it is struggling, but it doesn't seem like a lot of dough to me, but I am no baker.

It's on speed two, and there is about 18.4oz of dough shown in the video which seems like not a lot to me? My wife is the one that primarily uses the mixer, but wanted to get a sense of what next steps I should take here if any.


Kitchenaids aren't really the best  machines for bread kneading,  They will do alot of other things pretty well but not kneading.  For the occasional bread kneading your 6 qt will work OK, but if you intend to use it often a different machine would probably be a better choice.  I'd suggest a Bosch Universal, or an Ankarsrum.  Of course you could always mix your dough with the Kitchenaid, and knead by hand.

I don't think there's anything wrong with your machine, just the wrong task for it.  Jim

Rotation is a bit fast for speed 2, it's supposed to be 1 rev/second.

That's definintely a small batch. Is the dough particularly dry? The sound would be more consistent if it was a larger, wetter batch.

Lots of mixers make a high-pitch whine that changes with load. My KA 5-qt doesn't, but the Bosch Compact sure does.

If its new and/or has a warranty and was much quieter before, than I'd consider returning it. Otherwise, I'd continue using it and watch/listen for more evidence.