Infinity Bread (ft. Einkorn)

Profile picture for user WatertownNewbie

Recently I posted a blog with my revised version of Infinity Bread.  That version used emmer flour, and I commented that I intended to try the bread with einkorn in place of the emmer.  Here it is.

This is an excellent bread too, and in some ways I prefer the einkorn version over the one with emmer.  Of course, a few bakes with each will be necessary before I can conclude that, and in any event both versions are fine.

Here are the two loaves.

A friend received one of the loaves.  Here is the crumb from the one we kept.

Once again I thank pmcool for launching the Community Bake that resulted originally in the emmer bread and now this one with einkorn.

Happy baking.


Thanks for your compliment.  The emmer was very good, but this bread with the einkorn in place of the emmer is even better (in my opinion).  Someone else asked me what I put on it, and the bread plain by itself with no topping is really good.  I toasted some today and it has a very nice flavor that way too.

If you want to try this recipe, go to my post on the Infinity Bread with emmer and simply substitute einkorn for emmer.

Paul, you probably are responsible for a couple dozen new combinations of flours emanating form the Community Bake.  Hope you are in the mood to try this recipe.  You will not be disappointed.

This looks great with a nice dark crust and open crumb.  Well done 👏👏

Best regards,


This looks great with a nice dark crust and open crumb.  Well done 👏👏

Best regards,


Thanks Ian.  You can thank my robust starter for the open crumb.  Nothing like a good starter to help with the crumb.

The real surprise and pleasure for me with this particular bread was the taste.  I really think the einkorn goes exceptionally well with whole wheat.  You get credit for alerting me (and everyone else) to Barton Springs, which is where I got my einkorn and which also has my new favorite rye flour (the Danko rye).

If you like einkorn, perhaps you should give this recipe a try.  Happy baking.
