Ingredient Unit Conversion Tool


Does anyone know of or has a tool they use to quickly convert the unit of measurement for ingredients in baking recipes?

It's a pain to look up for eg- cups to grams or oz to ml of various ingredients every time you bake. It also gets difficult to compare recipes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Calculated Industries KitchenCalc Recipe Conversion and Culinary Math Calculator with Digital Timer

It converts degrees C to F and vice versa, gm/kg to dry oz/pounds, gal/qt/pt to liter/cl/ml to fluid oz, cups, tablespoons and teaspoons, and you can enter as fractions. It also scales recipes to different sizes and servings, although I haven't used that function in a long time. I forgot it has a timer. There's a larger version if you prefer bigger buttons and display. I love the smaller one --- I'm on my second. Both have lasted several years.


 A review of the formula to calculate the amount of ice required is only applicable when the desired water temperature is above 32F freezing and not if the desired water temperature is below 32F freezing as shown in the example given.

The formula shown is: 

"Weight of ice = weight of formula water times (available water temperature minus necessary water temperature) divided by (available water temperature plus 112)"

 The value 112 is derived from 144 btu, the phase change from 32F solid ice to 32F liquid water minus 32F. 

So, if the start temperature is 32F, it obvious that a final temperature must be above 32F and not below 32F as shown in the example.

Unfortunately this mistaken belief appears in some other publications possibly due to the formula author's failure to indicate the limits or assume that ice is only 32F and not below.

If applicable formulas for calculating ice requirements when final water temperature is  above or below 32F freezing are of interest, see reply #8 and #9 in this link to


The USDA maintains a huge database of foods.  More accurately, they maintain a number of huge databases of foods.  You won't find volume-to-weight information for every food in those databases but there a lot.  Searching it can be a real PITA but it is apt to have some of the more offbeat foods that might not show up in the three sites listed, above.  With that caveat, and with absolutely no helpful hints, the USDA site is located at:



On a computer running Windows 10, you can tap the Windows key, and type what you want to convert.  Examples of what I type:

325 g in oz
1 tbsp in g
1 tsp salt in g
230 deg c
450 deg f
1 c flour in g
1 cup whole wheat flour in oz

Depending on what you type, you may also get a more general units calculator right in the response panel.  Of course, you can only convert one quantity at a time, but it's pretty useful.


I have tried to used them, but it far from accurate, as i recall the weight if white rice flour and brown rice were listed as the same which make the use of their informtion unsuitable for precision measuring.  So, my advice is to compare a few figures not just one and assess the the suitability of the source.  I do a lot of gluten-free cooking / baking and have a lot of various flours that i had to compare.   

AndrĂ© F 

Hello Vinay,

I have spreadsheet that has built-in conversions for a plethora of measurements. Including some that are Always-on-display. A variety of tables including a Yeast converter and a Preferment's generator. (All of which can be  redefined by the user). That's all over and above the usual pounds/ounces/gram, volume and bakeware calculators that are included.

The sheet can also compare multiple recipes, ingredient quantities and it automatically converts ingredient weights into bakers percent. Easy to read recipe cards with both an original recipe weight and a revised weight for alternative yields can also be produced.

You can download a sample of the spreadsheet here
