With NY Bakers changing their business model, it looks like I'll loose my source for some flours. My main concern is the Bay State Fine Rye Meal. I tried googling it, but came up empty. Does anyone know who sells it? Or if there is anything similar to it? It's like a coarser, fluffier whole rye flour that I really like.
(broken: https://www.clnf.org/search?q=rye )
Update: https://countrylifefoods.com/pages/search-results-page?q=rye
King Arthur Baking also sells a pumpernickel flour, but I have never used it so I can't compare it with the Bay State Milling fine rye meal
I'm hoping that a source for small pack sizes of Bay State Milling rye products materializes because the coarse and medium rye meals are nearly impossible to find. Rye chops/steel-cut/cracked rye might be a substitute in desperation, but it just isn't the same.
@idaveindy—Has Country Life Natural Foods migrated to its new website (https://www.countrylifefoods.com)? I got an internal server error when I tried to use your link.
Apparently, we caught them in the middle of the switch-over. Thanks for the correction.
Here's their new search result page for rye:
All right! Thanks all for the tips but unfortunately I was not able to find another source of that Fine Rye Meal. However, I was able to come up with a facsimile that I think is very close to it, or even almost indistinguishable and I'm happy with that. So if anybody ever looks for it, I'm leaving this here:
I made a 50/50 mix of the following to end up with a very fine substitute for the Bay State Fine Rye Meal:
Whole grain rye flour form Farmer Ground Flour: source: Whole Foods
Rye meal pumpernickel flour from Ardent Mills: source: Baker's Authority
That seems like a good blend, congrats for finding something that works well for you. IIRC Janie's Mill offered a pumpernickel flour and before I started milling my own, I liked it quite a bit.
No more pumpernickel at Janie's Mill—just whole and light rye flour, flakes, cracked, and berries.
Oh, that's a bummer. Thanks. Is the light flour lighter than Central's medium (ash content, 1.15%)?
Just the opposite. The spec sheet I received lists ash content at 1.5%(!). I had make sure this was right and the head miller replied that their whole rye has a higher than average 2.0% ash.
O.K., good to know, thanks. Do you use it?