[center][size=30][color=#cc0000]Happy New Year!![/color][/size][/center]
In past years, I've made sweet saffron buns for Christmas. But after tasting the recently made semi-wild challah, we both agreed that while the saffron adds a lovely colour and flavour, it doesn't add quite enough flavour to merit the expense of using the saffron. We decided to forego the saffron and make plain sweet bread (we used the saffron in our shrimp for New Year's Eve dinner instead).
Saffron-less bread is delicious!! (Saffron shrimp is equally delicious!)
And I must say that I'm awfully pleased with myself for managing to do the six strand braid correctly - after reading, rereading, testing with string, reading, rereading the braiding section in Blessing of Bread by Maggie Glezer.
I had planned on putting together a little photo essay of the six strand braiding but right now, I think I neeeeeed to head down to begin New Year's Day celebrations. Hmmm, shall we start with Festive bread?
If you can't wait, please look here:

- Braiding techniques: * expertvillage.com - six strand braiding * taunton.com/finecooking - Maggie Glezer braiding challah
- ejm's Blog
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...Thanks for sharing. ;-)
Happy New Year