Using rye chips in sourdough bread recipe



I'm looking for some suggestions for incorporating rye chops into some sourdough recipes. 

I prefer to use whole grain wheat.

Thanks much for your help.


I'll second Abe's suggestion of a soaker. You can use either a cold or hot soaker; it depends on the coarseness of the chops and strength of your teeth. For coarse chops or coarse rye meal, my experience is you may want to use a hot soaker or soften in a pre-ferment with sour culture. Medium or finer chops could be used with a cold soaker for some chewiness without breaking your teeth.

There are many recipes for rye breads that use rye meal or chops. Have you thought about a sourdough rye bread?


Thanks for your suggestions. The rye flakes will probably work with a warm soak.

I planned a sourdough loaf (2) 

It's good to stretch out my baking and try some new skills.

I can try different temps for the chops and see what works best.

Thanks again.


I love Hamelman's Five Grain Levain and bake it regularly. Abe has given you a link to the Community bake for this bread. It went for a long time off and on and even Jeffrey Hamelman chimed in with some advice. My own submission to the bake is here: 5-Grain Levain | The Fresh Loaf.

I crack my own rye to use in a hot soaker that is left on the bench overnight. I make the soaker at the same time as the levain the night before.

I note that Hamelman states in his book, that if rye chops are used instead of cracked rye you can use a cold soaker, but the amount of water used may need to be reduced as the rye will not absorb as much water.



Hi Gavin.

Thanks for getting back to me with your advice. You are the third member to reply.

I'm quite impressed how helpful folks are.

I'm looking forward to experimenting with this recipe.

Take care.


I am also looking for this to use up the enormous bag of rye chops I bought. 

Similar to @isand66, my favorite so far is to substitute soaked rye chops for the Millet Porridge Bread in Tartine 3.  I just covered the rye chops with hot water and left to sit overnight. I was prepared to cook them but they were soft enough to use in the morning.   I used 250g of the soaked chops.  My loaf came out great, although next time I will pull back on the water in the loaf to accommodate the moisture in the chops.  It had a very nice, very light rye flavor.