So I was up at 5am, starting my polenta sourdough. Bubbly starter, in with flour and polenta from the polenta tin. Hmmmm, dough is really tight, add more water. 30 mins later, dough even tighter. More water. Another wait, then.... yep, more water. Three hours with stretch and folds, tighter and tighter, finally give in and bench rest sad little lumps of partially risen dough.
Puzzled, check polenta tin. Funny, the label says Powdered Gelatine. So That’s where the water went.
Well, it’s been roughly shaped into boules and is in the final rise but..... hope springs eternal in the human breast eh? Meanwhile, build another starter and retire, grumbling.
- Kiwiphil's Blog
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I probably shouldn't admit that I'm laughing. On the one hand, I feel your pain and frustration. On the other, I want to dissolve into giggles.
You may have just invented a new type of keto bread, if that's any consolation.
Yes, I received a goodly dose of wifely mocking for my gross ineptitude, however on tasting I was rewarded with coos of delight.
Yep, that happens even to the best bakers, Phil. :)
On the other hand, such experiences sometimes lead to discoveries and new breads. For example, the authors of Modernist Bread encyclopedia came up with a new method of adding cubes of gelatin to their bread dough. As the bread bakes and Jello cubes cook inside, water evaporates from those cubes of soft hydrated gelatin, leaving large irregular holes in crumb behind which look attractive to the lovers of holey crumb. So, you came close to that invention!
What happened to your bread after baking it? Was it good?
Shaping was a trial..... lumpy and somewhat unforgiving. However it rose well, baked well, taller than my previous (correct) bake, and it tastes good. Solid crust, slightly moist crumb. I will bake a normal batch, then normal plus gelatine to see what happens. Main thing is that it has been granted wifely approval, something I strive for.