Our beautiful British summer and a bit about how it affects crops

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Explains why our flour needs less water. 

And that's if this year it can be used for bread at all 😮 

A warning for British bakers. The last time this happened some lemon juice in the dough helped. 

Profile picture for user alfanso

We may one day see this again...

series of volcanic eruptions in the sixth century blocked out the sunlight. This would have caused crop failures, famine and disease. New research shows a dramatic reduction in available sunlight in AD536 and again between AD541 and 544. This affected the whole of the northern hemisphere and led to severe vitamin D deficiency, making already hungry people susceptible to disease. These unusually poor years coincide with a bubonic plague epidemic, which killed half the inhabitants in the Eastern Roman Empire. The findings are confirmed by tree ring data which show that, following the eruptions, trees hardly grew at all in Europe because there was not enough light for photosynthesis. So none of the food crops would have thrived enough to produce grain.

That from The Guardian, and this from The History Channel - "

The Worst Time in History to Be Alive, According to Science


Pick your poison.

...'The worst time to be alive', and have seen articles on it, but haven't delved into it. On similar note the eruption of Mount Tambora, in Indonesia, caused Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein. Try and connect those dots...

Right now we have a bad crop and even if we had a good crop I have a weird starter.