Hi guys,
I've been using Caputo Manitoba oro for panettone with LM (type 0, 14.5% protein, W370/390, P/L 0.5/0.6), just wondering if anyone here has used it as well.
I'm also thinking to try brands recommended by panettone masters like Petra, BonGiovanni, Dallagiovanna, Pasini, but the shipping price is ridiculously expensive in the US. Any website recommendation?
Thank you so much for your time and happy baking!
Hi JC, see my message about Pasini flour.
Hi JC, please see my reply to your message.
I have not used the Caputo flour, but I have used Petra, DallaGiovanna and Pasini. I particularly love the Pasini flour, but the others are good also.
Thank you so much Sue! It's a reasonable price for Pasini panettone flour 25kg, I'm getting some right now!! I'm glad I asked =)
Happy baking!