Thirded Bread

Third bread with scalded blue cornmeal which is saccharinified. One of the oldest bread type from the the US dates back to the 17th century.It is comprised of wholegrain rye, wheat and corn only, water and salt.
I updated this old recipe with a custard/scalded blue cornmeal and a four stage bread and the bread turns a lovely shade of dark red and black. The flavor of the bread is like chocolate but no chocolate was hurt in the making of this bread.May be an image of rye bread  May be an image of rye bread and babka    

I had to look up a few of the words in your description. How did you " saccharinify" the corn meal? I decided "thirded"  bread might be a typo.

Lovely loaf! How about a full recipe and method? Nice dense,chewy crumb-my favorite breakfast bread-toasted with a light coating of butter.

Yes-thirded bread is the alias of this bread-no typo. ..You take the water and grain mixture to 65C and hold it there for hours and I introduce wholegrain rye or malted rye an enzyme carrier.  The mix turns sweet and slack.  I will write up the recipe and put it in the comments. is a reference for you but this does not use this FF recipe. Here is something I wrote up that explains the process :

Thirded bread




Rye sour

8g rye starter

70g water

70g rye flour

Mix and ferment at 20C for 13-15 hours or 8 hours at 27C




125g blue cornmeal

20g red malt 

400g water at 100C. 

Mix and cool to 65C and add 15g white rye. Hold at 65C for 5 hours. It will turn black/purple and slack and sweet.



Rye sour

Scald cooled to 30C.

Mix and ferment for 3 hours at 27C-it will be actively bubbling. Lower temp will take longer. It will turn red and black.


Final mix: 

200g rye flour

125 wholewheat flour


Mix by hand to soft dough, two hours bulk, 45 minutes proof. Bake at 230C for 15 minutes and then drop to 210C and bake until done around 50 minutes total

Sure reads like a baker's Patriotic  4th of July bread recipe to me!

With my ambient temps, I think I could manage this recipe between my kitchen and porch proofing locations.

Fresh blueberries & raspberries piled onto cream cheese or whipped up mascarpone topping (more red, white and blue) might just push this up to the top of my weekend bake.  And yes, the mini oven has been moved outside for Summer baking.  Time to get started on that rye sour!


But a curious mind wants to know, what mini oven have you moved outside?

I set up a table on the porch and am doing my baking out there. It robs the house of the wonderful aromas, but it's a necessary tradeoff...