Galletas Cubanas- Cuban Crackers


Hello to the Cuban food fans:

I am missing my galletas cubanas and am wondering if any of the Miami folks who figured out the Cuban bread recipes might have a recipe for theses buttery, white oval concave crackers which have a powdery texture?  I wait in Boise, ID for your answers  with my cream cheese and guava paste ready for spreading :)



I was just searching for a recipe when I found this post.  Growing up in Miami and now in another state, I so miss those crackers.

I'm in the Vancouver , BC area and there are practically no Cubans here and no Cuban bakery so I used to buy them from and have them shipped to Blaine, Wa,  but now their offer is limited and too expensive (about $4.50 the bag). They used to sell Gilda Crackers but Gilda has permanently closed so I guess I'll have to make them myself.

There is a video on youtube on how to make them:

(42) Galletas cubanas, sabrosas! - YouTube

Rafael, we are in Toronto and here galletas de sal are sold as Jamaican water crackers in grocery stores, brands National and Excelsior. $1.70-2.20 per bag.

They are identical to Cuban galletas de sal, although I have never seen the big ones being sold in Canada, the typical galletas de sal de Cardenas which are about 4 inches in diameter.

Follow the steps shown in the above video.

I think the translation is the following: 

Cuban cookies are also eaten in other countries, such as Argentina to accompany mate (caffeine rich herbal drink). This easy recipe can be of use to many who live in places where these delicious cookies are not available. Furthermore, there is no need of exotic ingredients. I hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions, let me know and I'll help you however I can. Measure all ingredients exactly.  After cooling them completely, store them in a plastic bag or a container.




1 cup all purpose flour

3/4 tsp salt (a little more than half of 1 tsp)

1 tsp instant yeast

1.5 tablespoons melted butter

70 ml warm water (70gr)

a little dry corn flour to put on the tray and if you want on top of the cookies