I am attempting to make this recipe. I wanted to try out my new KA Ultra I got for xmas. So I followed the instructions with the mixer when mixing the dough, otherwise I followed the recipe exactly. The dough doesn't appear to have risen, but it doesn't spring back either. I am a little confused by this contradiction. I am used to working with active dry yeast, not instant - would that be my issue? My kitchen seemed cold so I made some popovers before I started. Arg. Thanks for reading.
I think you killed the yeast as the milk/butter mixture was between 115F-125F... I think that the recipe was incorrect... I think next time you should wait for the milk/butter mixture to cool down to below 100F. I try to keep my liquids close to room temperature... I think yeast dies at about 95F or something close to that... Hope this helps.
Yeast die off at 140 Degrees F but instant yeast should not be subjected to temp above 105 durung rehydration or the shock will hurt them big time
the dough not springing back is due to the Enzymes produced by an exsess of dead yeast cells have a softening effect on the gluten.
i know i have said this before but fresh yeast = all problems solved
The yeast answer was the first thing that came to mind, but as I thought of it, it may have minor impact. Here is my thinking: if the temperature of the liquid were at 120F and you were to add it to the dry bulk mixture that is at a much lower temperature (let's assume 70F, which is cold enough to me), the resulting temp would still be low such that the yeast would not immediately be killed off.
I am proposing that the mixing suggested by the manual might not be proper for the type of recipe. Your recipe looks like egg bread. For this type, try developing the dough first during the low speed incorporation mixing stage (typically 5 minutes), then add the sugar and butter during the medium speed structure-building stage (5-7 minutes). I would also take the advice of the previous coaches on the temperature of your milk.
There are so many factors to consider. An open, eager-to-learn attitude is always a good thing, and don't forget to take good notes.
I appreciate the feedback and the knowledge I have gained from it. I have never used a mixer before so I wanted to be sure I was using it properly. (I don't miss the labor of hand-kneading, but there is something to be said for feeling the dough!)
At any rate, my husband baked the rolls anyway and took them out of the oven too early (I was shopping while he was being "helpful" bless his heart) so they were a gooey mess. I tried the recipe a second time, keeping the milk temperature at 100 degrees - just in case! - and followed cake diva's suggestion for the mixing. The result was a very nice rise. Now the rolls - well they turned out pretty dense. They are great for sandwiches though!
Thanks again. :o)