Pane Siciliano (Semolina and Sesame Sourdough Bread)

Profile picture for user Abe

If you are subscribed to The Perfect Loaf's newsletter this recipe should have landed in your in-box. For those of you who are not, thought I'd post it here. Durum flour breads are very popular on this site for good reason. Then add in some olive oil plus sesame seeds and you have the trifecta. 

Thank you Maurizio. 

If that bake was mine i'd be very happy. That photo is Maurizio's bake from his recipe in the attached link. 

EDIT: Oh hang on a minute... that link comes straight bake to this post.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 

Thanks for the link. I love semolina bread. I haven't baked it since the community bake in in 2021. I chose Hamelman's recipe that is 60% semolina. I notice that this one is 100% semolina so it has my interest. The addition of the olive oil is interesting. I'll give it a go in the next few weeks. Thanks for sharing. I like it when recipes have plenty of detail like this one.



Have I done anything incorrect in the link I've given? What tracking and subscription account number?

Just an FYI, I'm not a moderator... Look at your link... I can see you copied it from your newsletter, which is personal to you.

Didn't realise it showed anything other than the webpage it took me to. I'll fix that. 

Doing a lot of fixing for this post. Hopefully that's not a sign of how my bake will turn out. 

Just bought some durum flour. I'll take another look at your post too.



This took forever. Couldn't see any of the stages through from beginning till end without interruption. Been a very busy few days and the dough went into, and out of, the fridge many times. Helpful, but slowed the whole process down. At one point I thought if this bread ever gets baked and it turns out ok it'll be a miracle. Still cooling but so far so good.

I also like tin loaves because every slice is as good as the next. Each slice is uniform and the same size. Plus, it's easier to fit in the container I store my loaves in. If I proof in a basket and make a batard it'll need to be sliced to make it fit before I wish to cut into it. And my oven isn't the best set-up for free standing loaves. One day when I get a better oven i'll return to the different baking methods but for now this suits me best. 

Profile picture for user maurizio

Thanks so much for sharing this and the kind words, Abe! Also, your pan loaf... Just stunning 🙂

Normally i'd say the bake did the recipe justice but in this case your recipe did my bake justice. Very nice recipe indeed! I've just put together the levain for your Whole Grain Spelt Pan Loaf. If I can get halfway close to your crumb i'd be happy. Looks delicious.