Non Sourdough ?



It has been a while since I have been here, and I cannot remember if this forum is exclusively for sourdough or not - Is there a forum for yeasted breads here ?

Thanks ! 


There are at least a few yeast users on the forum. I often use active dry yeast along with sourdough and other pre-ferments. Pretty much any kind of bread and multiple leveraging agents are discussed. Assorted random posters arrive as well. Just saw an inquiry about Apple pie! TFL is an eclectic and obsessively friendly place.

Á plus tard,


Welcome back to TFL.  Although perhaps there is more discussion of sourdough bakes, there certainly are enough mentions of pizza as well as baguettes and other doughs that use some form of yeast besides sourdough.

Happy baking and please post some of your bakes.  Are you familiar with Harvest Bread with Poolish (from Flour Water Salt Yeast)?


Thank you for your reply, is there a specific forum for yeast recipes ?

The  thing is that a couple of years ago I tried very hard with sourdough, consistently failed and so eventually gave up. This was despite the fact that I had made what appeared to be a very good and vigorous starter,

Having given up on sourdough I returned to dried yeast baking, which I never have too much trouble with. 

I now have a bee in my bonnet about baking a French Boule.. we live in France close to Normandy and they are just gorgeous ! I want to bake my own, but, I want to use dried yeast...... any recipes here ?

Thanks !

By the term "French Boule" do you mean a miche?  My favorite recipe for that is Peter Reinhart's Poliane-Style Miche (from Bread Baker's Apprentice).  That recipe calls for a sourdough starter, but it seems to me that you could probably figure out how to achieve something with dry yeast.  I'm not sure the freshness of the bread would last as long, however, because sourdough does seem to extend the shelf life of a loaf.

As for a specific forum, everything gets posted to the same place.  I'm not sure why there are various categories that can be designated.  Whatever you want to post will be seen by everyone.

Happy baking.


Bake with (and post about) whatever appeals to us at the time: sourdough, unleavened breads, commercial yeast, yeast water, natural fermentation without a starter, and combinations of any of the above!

Gluten free, nonwheat, unleavened, chemically leavenend, yeast water, flat,loaves,tins,free-form,baking for special needs, etc,etc.

Have some delicious fun here and post questions and pics.