I'm reading Sourdough Panettone and Viennoiserie by Thomas Teffri-Chambelland (English version). On page 122, he writes, "Also shown is the key universal method data for each dough: Su, Hu, and Cu.
- What is Su?
- What is Hu?
- What is Cu?
On page 123,
- How was Su% = 12.25% calculated?
- How was Hu% = 35.75% calculated?
- How was Cu = 34.25 calculated?
Please advise
Thank you
Hi Sherry,
The Universal Method as proposed in the book is a way to consider the impact of sugar in the dough (not counting the inclusions) with respect to content, concentration and free water.
You can find an explanation for The Universal Method on pages 49-51.
Dear Michael:
Thank you. Sorry, I must have missed the explanation. I did read the book cover to cover, but late at night after work. Brain is a bit tired.
Thanks again. Much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Okay, I just bought this book and love it, mostly. I'm reading about Su, Hu and Cu as applied to Panettone and Viennoiserie. When I read his explanation on the cited pages (49-51) and cross referencing formulations in the back of the book for demonstrating the caculation, I swear I can't figure out the Su%, or rather get the number to come out to his calculation in the back-of-book formulations. The calculation for the first dough is always easy because there is only one source of sugar. But the second dough (including the sugar from the first and some additional sugar and other types of sugars, e.g., honey) calculations make do NOT make sense in that my calculation of sugar/total weight X100 comes out differen than provided in the book. Any of you have a similar problem?
Looking at pg. 50 he uses the formulation on pg. 233 (same that is on pg.123). In that formulation the following results are provided for the second dough (calcs. should be the same for the final dough):
Sugar (g): 314 (first dough) + 188 (second dough) + 90 (solids from Honey) = 592g (i did not add the sugar from orange paste (see below for explanation)
Total Weight w/o extra ingregients (g): 5758 (total weight) -625 (raisins) - 625 (candied orange) = 4508g
Su% (Sugar Weight/Total Weight w/o extra ingreds. x (100)): 592/4508*(100) = 13.13%
This higher than the 12.24% given, so even if I add the sugar fro the candied orange paste, the calculate percentage would be higher than 13.13%. If I use the total weight with the extra ingredients (not the way he explains it, but I'm TRYING to figure out what he's doing) Su%=592/5758x100=10.28% if I include the orange paste it's 14.46% (652/4508).
Like I explained above, I CAN'T determine how he comes up with the Su% provided in this formulation. Also, FWIW, he lists the solids from the orange past at 15g (20%) in this EIDB formulation, but lists 20g paste having 16g solids (80%) in the formulation on pg. 241, these numbers can't both be correct.
Also, from where does the 552g for sugar come in the final dough information? First dough sugar is 314, second dough is 188 which is 502g, not 552g.
Honestly, as you might be able to tell, I'm a bit frustrated with this, but I really do like the concepts he's presented in this book, super solid.
Apparently, despite me just having purchased this book, I received an older version that had errors in some of the formulations. The editor confirmed this for me.
It's been a while since I looked at this, but I recall that for me the Hu was off a bit in the calculations, because he seemed to assume a standard hydration for the LM, when different recipe authors varied the hydration.
Not a big difference though.
Hey Brian, I've been pouring over SP&V as well and spent hours trying to replicate the calculations in the back of the book, also to no avail... Heartened to see I'm not the only one who can't get the second dough calculations to make sense but frustrated that it might just boil down to typos. My copy is a bit older than yours so surely has the same errors in it... I'm curious if the editor was able to provide you with the correct numbers or just confirmed that the ones in the book are wrong?
unfortunately it's in PDF and the site only permits uploading jpeg. when i convert the pdf to jpeg i get one file for each page, so like 20 files. The errors resulted from leaving out the honey, I think. Sorry I could not be more helpful.
You can register at docdroid and upload your pdf there. Then you get a unique link to your pdf file which you can put in your TFL post using the "insert link" facility.