Hi from central Ontario Canada


I'm a newbie to bread making and have been dabbling for a couple of months. The amount of information on this site is amazing and somewhat overwhelming.  I've been doing a lot of reading and trying to practice what is being shared.

As you note, there's a lot of information here.  One helpful hint for you: the Search tool at the upper right-hand corner of most pages is your friend.  Type in whatever you want more information about, like baguettes or shaping or pumpernickel, then click on the Search button.  You'll get lots of posts to read!  You can also use the Advanced Search to better refine the results.

Happy baking,


Welcome to TFL Jan from a fellow Ontarian living in Toronto.  Do share your bakes with everyone here.  You can use your blog to post your bakes.  

Happy baking.


Thanks Benny. Where do you get your bread making supplies? Living in Muskoka my only in person place to get flours is Bulk Barn. I did order from Arva Flour Mill but they were so overwhelmed with orders they refunded me for some of my order (dark rye flour) Any suggestions?


I’ve been able to find good flour here in Toronto.  There are a few stores in Kensington Market where I can find good organic stoneground flours such as whole wheat, red fife and spelt.  Anita’s Organic Mill Flours are also available in many grocery stores.  I often just use Bulk Barn dark rye flour for feeding my starter.
