Bialys Test bake #1 Source, The Jewish Bakery

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

The end game needs a little tweaking. The first tray puffed up too much I think. Also, they were undercooked at the 8-minute mark. The second tray looks pretty okay. That being said, I have not had a store brought bialy in so long I will have to buy a couple for comparison in person. 

Ah, Benny,

If you're ever in/near the East Valley Az. you have an open invitation to bake/break bread with me in my new "huge" kitchen! 

They look really nice. I prefer bialys over bagels, mostly due to easier shaping as my old arthritic hands find it hard to shape bagels.. The savoury seasoned centre is what I would go with for sure. Nicely done Will.



It certainly is empowering to be able to create something at home that is traditionally only available as store brought! At least for me, it is! 


Looking better than any of my last 3 batches. You’re getting a lot of onion in these centers and more browning than I’ve been able to manage. Does your recipe include malt beyond what’s in the flour? Don’t run out of cream cheese!



Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

In reply to by foodforthought

No extra malt in the ITJB Bialy formula. Just the four standard lean bread ingredients at low hydration. After the first tray came out of the oven pale after the prescribed 8 minutes at 400F. I raised the oven temperature to 475 and added two whole minutes to the bake time! Both trays were baked with a copious amount of steam.  Additionally, the second tray spent that extra 8 minutes while the first tray baked, proofing in the wading pool shape. This allowed the gluten to relax just enough for me to do some quick poking to try and control the "poof" By George, I think it worked! 

 All that being said, I think my end-game workflow will permanently be adjusted to include a short proof/rest in the wading pool shape, with a quick shape tweak just before loading into the oven. The ITJB formula calls for shaping the wading pool and then immediately loading them into the oven. One last note, The onion filling was verbatim the book recipe and the prescribed 1tsp in each bialy. 

If you want less puffiness let them overproof a bit more and they will hold their shape better.  Are you baking with steam?  If not try it and your color will improve.

It only goes to prove, you don't have to be Jewish to love them! Tonight's dinner was dry rubbed and high heat seared pork loin on the last bagel and the last bialy. Yes, bread fans, that can mean only one thing, we are ready to rock and roll with another bake tomorrow! What shall I bake? Something new? Something tried and true? Revisit something neglected for so long?