Hi All,
I recently purchased a Komo Mill and I'm excited to start using it. I am planning to pick up the sifting attachment once its back in stock.
I know that its not possible to sift down to AP/Bread flour but I was wondering if its possible to sift to T80 / T85 since those styles are a bit more 'rustic'. I know that those numbers have to do with Ash percentages but I have to imagine there is an extraction % equivalent?
Of course we dont have home based labs to test if its close to T80 but I was curious if anyone has managed to get close to it, maybe through taste/touch or using some extraction % calculation based on starting weight / final sifting result?
Thank you!
I sift with a #40 sieve and remove about 7% of the larger brown bits with two passes. I always sift even if I use what I separated out in the recipe because it helps oxygenate the flour and helps it absorb water during the mixing process. A #50 will get you close to what you’re looking for but it is a lot more tedious and removes a lot of the volume and seemed too wasteful to remove so much of the healthy material especially since most of the time I am using the milled flour in combination with white flour. When I make whole wheat bread I remove the 5>7% of the bran because it makes a lighter loaf.

Before you invest in the attachment you should try a couple of hand sifters to see if it works well enough for you.
This is my setup for dust control
I will have to see if mine will fit in my proofing buckets. I have the same ones I think as you. I sift with a #30 first and then remill and sift with a #40 and have had excellent results. I agree going to #50 is not worth it and not necessary in my opinion.
That setup is brilliant! I rarely sift because of the dust but like the idea of oxygenating the flour with sifting. Might have to get one of the round buckets. I have the square.
The tricky part is finding a 9 inch screen that fits that bucket. The flour dust is a mess and probably a health hazard so I hope you can find something that works
Thank you, when you do your milling do you have a preferred consistency to sift? Fine/Medium?
This is really helpful
I have a Mockmill 100 that I set to the recommended setting which is the sound of the stones slightly ticking. The wire mesh sifter is a #40. I would not call the flour finely ground but fine for bread making.
Hi Don,
I have a few of those cambro 6quart containers, could you share a link to the sieve you purchased that fits it so well?
I use this bag method to sift:
I sift outside, it takes about 5 extra seconds. I cover my face with my shirt. There is flying dust while milling as well, do you worry then, too?
I might hold an open light grocery bag over the lid of the mill as it is grinding.
Maybe let the air flow so as not to hinder the mill?