I have found the answer to the perfect home proofing box. By going to www.uline.com and searching for product no. S-9904, you should find the foam shipping kit. This is basically a styrofoam box measuring approx. 29x23x14in. deep. To the inside of the lid I've added a plastic lightbulb fixture and run the lamp cord back out through a small hole in the top. I added a plug to the end of the cord and use a common lamp dimmer switch for adjusting the light intensity. My switch is a Credenza model M03 by Lutron. I'm sure your local hardware carries several brands of dimmers. I currently have a 15 watt bulb which keeps the temp. at 78F. For humidity, I add a cup of boiling water which adds moisture and also raises the temp some. This method has served me well over the years. I keep and use it in my basement which is about 55F in the winter without any troubles. I did keep the insulated box inside the shipping box it came in, and by removing that top, you can access the foam top of your proofing box.
Why not just foam insulation from your local home improvement store, especially since you'll be there buying dimmers and lights anyhow. Your locale probably also has a U-haul outlet which sells boxes more than large enough for this purpose.
With a little creativity and common sense, you'll come in much cheaper than $47+S&H.
This might work? and it was free...small 13X13X13D....A Christmas ham was shipped to me yesturday in this cardboard box/styrofoam box? I don't use a proofing box...I usually just use my oven or microwave oven with added humidity!...might be a good idea to save this just in case I decide to make one...do you think it's big enough?