I've been using a Harvest Grain Mill from Nutrimill, but I'm looking for something with larger capacity and more precision. I've noticed that when I'm milling large amounts of grain, the coarseness setting will slip if I don't hold it. I like to mill fine whole grain flour for my bread.
I'm looking to mill up to 5K (about 10 pounds) of grain at a time, what mill would you all recommend? The Mockmill Professional 200 looks good, but I'm not sure what other options are out there.
You might want to consider the KoMo Jumbo or the Meadows 8-inch mill. Both have higher milling rates than the Mockmill Professional 200.
Since your profile doesn’t mention your location, I don’t know whether either is available or suitable for you. You can read about each mill at Pleasant Hill Grain's Commercial Mills page.
I have a komo (not jumbo) with which I am satisfied with but it does not mill very finely.
I have a KoMo Fidibus Classic that mills very fine-textured flour. I wonder why yours performs differently?
I have the same model as yours.
If I am at the finest setting ( backing off from when the stones "screech") , the flour ground through 1 pass will get ground finer if taken and whirled in the Vitamixer for 30-45 sec. If I take flour from the Komo (after 1 pass) and sift it, about 1/6 of weight is coarse particles. The flour also ground in the Vitamixer has very little particles left in a sift.
I don't mind the breads that result with coarse grinds. I hav sometimes wondered if recipes with bolted flour only need a finer grind.
I have tried unsuccessfully to grind down the bran i to finer particles. I’ll give the Vitamix a try.
Question -
If using the standard Vitamix vessel, will the bran dull the sides?
Hi Dan,
I use only the grain grinding receptacle that is an extra accessory with Vmxr. I got it as a gift. Otherwise it is an extra and costly item.
A cheaper way is to sift and just whirl the coarse part in a coffee/spice blender. The result is very fine.
PaneMetcircenses treats coarse particles (after sifting whole wheat flour) by soaking in "flas" liquid for 2 hr. I sifted fresh milled grain and soaked it for only 15 min (due to time constraints). It made an improvement. See #2 below.
Joy Coffee Ride (YT) sifts and then soaks the coarse particles in hot water while he has an autolyse going on the bolted flour (see 1:45).
I would save my Vitmxr regular for non grain uses.
Thanks for the info and links.