Is there Hard White Winter Wheat out there?


I only can find either Hard Red Spring or Hard Red Winter, but I've never seen the all combination for the WHITE, namely Hard White Winter.  Is there such wheat there?

The reaso why I asked was because in my house, we like SOFTER, FLUFFY texture of any kind of bread.



If you haven't already, look into the tangzong method for milk bread. That stuff is soft and fluffy. There's a few whole wheat recipes on here and I know King Arthur has a whole wheat version too. And yes, it's a hard spring wheat.

Also, I just checked Bob's Red Mill :

The terms "hard white" and "hard red" refer to the color of the kernel, even though the red has a slightly higher protein content. It may be that the red varieties grow in the winter and the lighter (white) varieties grow in the spring.


I can buy it at Harvest House in Concord, CA (East bay). I think it is Giustos.

Unlike the hard red, they do not order the organic kind.

You can call them and see from whom they order  and then contact the source to see if there is a retail near you.

2395 Monument Blvd, Concord, CA 94520, 

Phone: +1 925 421 0898


Hope this helps.



Breadtopia sells White Sonora Whole Wheat Flour which appears to be a winter wheat with higher protein with low gluten-forming proteins. It may be a soft wheat. They also sell a soft whole wheat flour.

Here are a couple others:

That Sonoran wheat from Breadtopia is soft wheat from Ramona Farms in AZ. I was just there a few days ago (one of those things you make time to do when visiting but never seem to get to when you live in a place, lol). It is best used for biscuits, pastries, flatbreads, etc. Same for their Pima wheat. I'm looking forward to getting home in a few more days and getting to play with it!

Right now I am using this 12 to 14% Pasayten White berries from Blue Bird Grain Farms. It does not specify if it is spring or winter. Breadtopia probably has Sonora hard white. I found the shipping fees at Blue Bird to be a little kinder than most something to consider.

You guys are fantastic!  Where is my "nothing cannot be found if it's out there using my skillful search online?"  LOL