Dual Starter 100% Whole Wheat

Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

This boule was made from 100% whole wheat flour using dual sourdough/lactic starter.


Whole wheat flour:    ‘Caputo Integrale’ with germ and bran (13% protein)

Sourdough starter:     Whole rye, 80% hydration, 18C, refresh rate 50% once daily, phase 60%

Lactic starter:              Sourwort Made Easy

Vital wheat gluten:    ‘vwg’ 80% protein (optional but helps)


Total Flour in recipe (350g)

326g whole wheat

10g   whole rye from sourdough starter

14g   vwg


Total Liquid in recipe (280g)

222g water

8g     water from sourdough starter

50g   sourwort freshly made




1. The whole wheat flour is divided into two parts by sifting it with a #50 mesh. One part -call it fine- that passes through the mesh (bolted) and another -call it coarse- that doesn’t, roughly 7:1 by weight.



2. The coarse part was mixed together with both starters and left to ferment inside Brod&Taylor proofer set at 28C for 2hrs (the longer the tangier).

3. Then all ingredients sans salt were kneaded together for ~3min using stand mixer. Salt (7g) was added 30min later. Bulk fermentation at 26-28C lasted 3hrs with lamination and couple of stretches inside the basin. The shaped loaf was retarded overnight in banneton covered with plastic bag.

4. Ten minutes before scoring I transferred the covered banneton into the freezer (-18C). This short shock makes scoring easier allowing cleaner cuts to be made with no adverse effect to the dough.





Heavy, strong wheat notes as expected from the 100% whole wheat flour used. Flavorful, slightly sweet with gentle sour after taste. Soft and airy crumb, ambrosial.



Beautiful loaf and thanks for the detailed procedure!

For your sour wort using rye malt, would you say it gives more of a lactic or acetic sour flavor?


Savvas, that is a beautiful loaf, the crumb in particular is outstandingly open for 100% whole grain.  So well done.


Profile picture for user jo_en

Amazing! I will be studying this!

Thanks for doing this.

Is the ww flour ground really finely 

and must it be purchased specially to insure it is not rancid?


Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

In reply to by jo_en

I would say medium. In the last close-up photo of the crumb you can clearly discern some of the largest bran particles.

No special purchase, just make sure the bag of flour you buy is not near expiring date.

Profile picture for user jo_en

2. The coarse part was mixed together with both starters and left to ferment inside Brod&Taylor proofer set at 28C for 2hrs (the longer the tangier).

Does this mean that the rye sour and the sourwort are ready and then the coarse part is added half and half to each starter or do you combine the 2 starters and then add the coarse part? Then the 2 hr ferment starts.

Thanks for your new treatment of the bran!!

Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

In reply to by jo_en

As you can see at the top of the post I mention that the phase of the sourdough starter used in this bake was 60%. What I mean by this is that it was used roughly 14.5hrs after its last refreshment (I refresh my starter once every 24hrs). I don’t use my starter exactly by the clock though. Due to its nature any phase above 50% would do.

The second lactic starter (sourwort) was about 24-26hrs old when used. Again here as in sourdough I don’t go exactly by the clock. It can be used anywhere inside the 24-48hrs time window.

Having said that the procedure involves throwing the coarse part + sourdough starter + sourwort inside a bowl and thoroughly mix them all together to form a coherent ball which after 2hrs fermentation will have become soft and fluffy and slightly inflated.

Hope this answers your questions.

Thanks! Yes I know what to do now.

Your procedure of sifting out the bran reminds me of the posts from a few years ago by


She made loaves on "bolted flour" (flour left from sifting freshly ground ww flour).

I don't believe she kept the bran. So adding it to the starters is a great ideas and a  step to explore.

Thanks again!!

I just sifted some freshly milled flour and added it to a rye/ap starter (about 60% of the way ready). 


The healthy loaf looks great and the way you treated the bran is a nice touch. 