I baked fougasse fo the first time following this video. For such a complex looking-shaped bread, it was actually more straightforward than I thought. I think I baked it for a few too minutes long-the color of the crust was beautiful but a bit harder than I would have liked. It was super fun to bake. When I opened my oven to check on it halfway through, I felt like I was baking an alien hahaha
I have never made a fougasse. I am inspired to try after seeing your beautiful result. Happy Baking! c
thanks! I was pretty intimidated to make it but found it looks more complicated than it actually is.
That looks beautiful, nicely done especially for your first time.
thanks! It was really fun to bake, looking forward to doing it again, think it would be fun to bring to a picnic or a dinner party
Looks great. Flavor is probably very good. How did you eat it? Plain, EVOO, butter...?
With some butter! It was pretty tasty :) I've seen a couple recipes floating around where people add herbs or different seeds on top before baking. I think I might try that next time, but for this one I wasn't sure I could handle more details haha :)
"Wow!" doesn't convey the beauty of that bake but it's all I can utter presently. Nicely done!
Thanks Wayne! :)